Create and display a patchwork quilt of notable African Americans.

- Obtain from the school or town library age-appropriate biographies of notable or influential African-Americans.
- Assign, or ask students to choose, one of the biographies to read. Or, for a quicker lesson, have each student research a notable African American and read his or her biography online. You can find the names of possible research subjects and/or brief biographies at the sites below:
- Provide students with drawing paper and invite each student to draw a picture based on a scene from the life of the person he or she read about.
- Provide students with 3x5 index cards and have them write brief descriptions of their illustrated scenes and attach them to the bottom right corner of their drawings.
- Mount each drawing on a larger sheet of colored paper and attach the drawings to the bulletin board to form a quilt. Use additional colored paper or crepe paper to create a border for the quilt. (With older students or a small class, you might use the drawings to create a timeline instead of a quilt.)
- Title the bulletin board "A Patchwork of African-American History."
- As a follow-up activity, you might invite students to visit one of the sites below to learn about African-American quilts:
- Groundhog Day
- Winter Olympics
- Superbowl
- Presidents
- George Washington
- Abraham Lincoln
- Valentine's Day
- Dental health
- 100th Day
Do you have a bulletin board idea to share? Send your most successful bulletin board idea (with a sketch or photo, if possible) to [email protected]. If we use it, we'll send you an official Education World mug!
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Updated: 02/11/2015