Alliances: Ground Zero for School Tolerance
No other extracurricular activity has sparked the controversy and legal challenge the formation of Gay-Straight
Alliance clubs has. What upsets communities so? Why are students, their supporters, and those who oppose
them willing to take this issue to court? Education World writer Leslie Bulion examines the issues with
club advisers, opponents, and experts. INCLUDED: Tips for promoting tolerance in schools.
Research Shows Brains of Dyslexics Change
as Reading Improves
Is dyslexia brain-based or behavioral? Researchers at the University of Washington are closing in on the
answer. Education World news editor Diane Weaver Dunne writes about new dyslexia research. As dyslexic
children improve their reading through an effective phonics program, their brain functioning also changes.
How Can Teachers Help Shy Students?
Shyness expert Lynne Kelly recently talked to Education World about how classroom teachers can better
understand and help shy students. Included: Eight tips for helping students overcome shyness.
When the Curtain Goes Up, All Kids Shine!
This year, fourth graders at Keeney Street School in Manchester, Connecticut, went back to the future!
In their end-of-year play, they became well-known singers of the 50s who had had been cryogenically frozen
for decades.
Connect for Kids: Guidance
for Grownups
The site has articles and links to resources for anyone interested in making the lives of children better.
Students Learn Respect --- Thanks to
Good Manners!
Teaching good manners through stories, poems, songs, games
Solve a Problem; Build
a Boat
*** Is "try, try, try again" the answer? Sherrell Bailey, a teacher at Sumter County Middle School in
Americus, Georgia, submitted this week's lesson, which is about problem solving and conflict resolution.
Restraining Orders: How Can Schools
A 16-year-old Boston girl has a restraining order against two students who posted threats to her on the
school's e-mail system. One of the offending students was expelled; the other was suspended and will soon
return to school. How would your school respond to this situation?
Develop Students' Motivation --- and Success?
What can teachers do to help develop students who will face challenges rather than be overwhelmed by them?
Why is it that many students seem to fall apart when they get to junior high or middle school? Can the
"gifted" label do more harm than good? Do early lessons set girls up for failure? Is self-esteem something
that teachers can or should "give" to students? Those are some of the questions Carol Dweck, professor
of psychology at Columbia University, answers this week for Education World. Some of her responses will
surprise you!
The Giraffe Project: Encouraging Kids to 'Stick Their Necks Out' for
This organization, based in Langley, Washington, shares news of individuals who are making a difference
in their communities. These heroes, called "giraffes," stick their necks out to help other people. With
the guidance of the program, children are learning that they can not only find giraffes in their own communities,
they can become giraffes themselves! Included: Comments from teachers and students who've been inspired
by the Giraffe Project to help others.
Heroes Online: Looking to the Web for Those We Can Look Up To
Introduce your students to heroes online with Web sites devoted to people we can admire. Some heroes have
received national acclaim; others work tirelessly and thanklessly for issues close to home and our hearts.
You can use the resources of the Web to encourage this type of dedication in your students and get them
thinking about the people they look up to! Included: Ten Web sites to work into your lessons!
Ten Activities to Improve Students' Self-Concepts
A student enters school as a unique individual, molded by genes, environment, and a certain spark within
himself. An increased awareness of how special that unique spark really makes him helps that student retain
that quality when the pressure is on to follow the pack. Included: Ten simple projects to help preserve
individuality and promote self-esteem!
Be Sure to Catch "Running Girl"!
Keeping a diary helps an 11-year-old track hopeful overcome fears and make friends in a new book from
Harcourt Brace: Running Girl: The Diary of Ebonee Rose.
Cosby's "Little Bill" Series Is Engaging -- and Educational!
Entertainer Bill Cosby introduces the first three books in his "Little Bill" series. Kids will learn that
they can solve any problem -- from boredom to bullies -- if they set their minds to it! The "Little Bill"
series is January's "Oprah's Book Club" selection!
Students Teach Students: Using Student Essays To Build Coping
Skills and Self-Esteem
Essays written by teens about issues that teens face might help build students' self-esteem and their
ability to "triumph over trouble." Included: A new essay contest for students ages seven to 18! |