Academy of Achievement -- OVERALL: A+
The centerpiece of this inspiring site is the "Gallery of Achievement," which showcases the lives and achievements of legendary persons who have contributed to the development of the 21st century. The purpose of the exhibit is to show that those achievers were ordinary people who did extraordinary things, thereby inspiring others to greatness.
Aunt Annie's Craft Page -- OVERALL: A
The site's index offers a multitude of projects, each with a variety of designs, printable patterns, and easy-to-follow (step-by-step) instructions. Most of the projects are illustrated. K-8 teachers will find this site very useful. High school teachers can adapt the ideas to incorporate them into their lessons.
Critical Comparisons -- OVERALL: A+
This Web site takes a unique approach to presenting information about institutions of higher education. The site doesn't promote "the best schools in America." Rather, it provides the "most reliable data" from the U.S. Department of Education's database and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and studies produced by the National Academy of Science's National Research Council. Users can draw their own conclusions. This is an invaluable site for prospective college students and their parents, and it's free!
David Levin's [email protected] -- OVERALL: A+
Here most educators can find resources for incorporating the Internet into their classrooms. Information is divided by subject, with useful resources highlighted for each. The site also includes sections for "Best of the Best," children's interests, extracurricular activities, field trips, multicultural resources, and professional development. Also -- a "Teacher's Lounge" section. This is a great starting point for educators who want to use the Internet in their classrooms.
Deaf World Web -- OVERALL: A+
There is so much information here! The Deaf World Web describes itself as "a directory, a multi-lingual publication, a deaf-owned/deaf-run service, a central communication network among the deaf on the Internet, an archive, and a global deaf community on the Web." Beside offering a chance for deaf people around the world to communicate, this site lives up to its goal of being "the largest and leading multi-purpose deaf Web site."
Discoverer's Web -- OVERALL: A
This site has a ton of links to information on discoverers and explorers, from prehistoric man to modern day. The site's main page has information grouped by geographic location including the East Indies and North, Central and South America. The site even includes information about the Polar Regions and ocean discoveries. Discoverer's Web is quite a find for history, geography, and social studies teachers and students.
Early Childhood Educator's Web Corner -- OVERALL: A
This site has gathered from the Internet an extensive list of early childhood education links for teachers and families. The family pages provide parent resources related to childcare, nutrition, and safety. The teachers' section has curriculum resources, news about education issues, and ideas for using the Internet in the classroom. A great resource for everyone concerned with the education of young children!
Electronic Zoo -- OVERALL: A+
This site -- and its sister site "NetVet" (URL is located on the Electronic Zoo homepage) -- provides tons of information on veterinary medicine and animal-related topics. The main page has 18 animal sections, plus sections for animal images and animal sounds. This is a site to wander through. You'll find information you didn't even know you were interested in!
Geography World -- OVERALL: A+
Many different aspects of geography are featured here. The contents are divided by topic. Topics include erosion, plate tectonics, and weather. The site also deals with issues such as population, the environment,
and conservation. The site has links to maps, games, and quizzes that teachers could easily incorporate into an interactive lesson plan. Younger students will be excited by the information on earthquakes
and tsunamis, and by the space photos. Older students can handle more complex topics such as rain forests, the Greenhouse Effect, and mining. This site shouldn't be missed!
GlobaLearn -- OVERALL: A+
This is the Web site for GlobaLearn, a non-profit company sponsoring live expeditions all around the world. The company maintains this Web site so students can interact with expedition teams. The explorers follow a set route and at each stopping point a local school child acts as host. The child provides information about local history, traditions, industries, and physical resources. The expeditions generally follow more populated routes so users can learn about the people of the area as well as its geography.
Grants Web -- OVERALL: A
This Web site is from the Society of Research Administrators. It has a section with information for members only, but the rest of the page offers excellent information for anyone who is or will be writing a research grant. Resources are available for the United States and Canada, and almost every link leads to another page full of resource links. A great place for educators and others who feel overwhelmed when it comes to the paperwork and details involved in grant writing.
Jason Project -- OVERALL: A+
The JASON Project was founded by Dr. Robert D. Ballard after he discovered the RMS Titanic. Ballard founded the site in response to the queries he'd received about his discovery from children. The site was set up to enable teachers and students to take part in global explorations. The project emphasizes an approach to teaching and learning in which teachers become "facilitators" or "managers" of their students' learning.
Kidshelp Phone Line -- OVERALL: A+
Kids Help Phone is a toll-free Canadian telephone counseling service for children and youth ages 4 through 19. (Adults 20 and over are given information to help them find the counseling services they need.) Parents and teachers can also call for information and referral services. The left side of the Web page has links to information on relevant subjects including AIDS, drug abuse, eating disorders, and relationships. The site, which offers a wealth of information, is very easy to use. A valuable tool!
LD Online -- OVERALL: A+
This Web site includes a search bar that enables users to find resources and information on specific learning disorders or topics. A "what's new" area includes an archive of past additions to the site. The "ABCs of LD/ADD" explain about learning disabilities. And "LD In Depth" has links to expert articles on a variety of topics. A related site, "Finding Help," has links to resources for many learning problems. LD Online delivers on its promises. A fine resource for educators, parents, and children concerned with learning disabilities.
Mega Mathematics -- OVERALL: A+
This is Math like you've probably not seen it before. This Web site is an extension of the "This Is MegaMathematics" project, which sends speakers to visit classrooms with "Stories and Activities for
Mathematical Thinking and Problem Solving" and which also develops new activities. The site's authors clearly love math, education and children!
Nye Labs Online -- OVERALL: A+
What could a hit television show offer on a Web site? Video clips, sound bites, photos, and an episode guide! It's all here BUT so are home demonstrations, "Did You Know?" information, topically related facts and reference books on a variety of science subjects. In fact, the episode guide is divided into science disciplines -- and each discipline is divided into topics -- so users can easily find information on a specific area of science. The results are presented as "mini-lessons" in science. A must-see for science teachers who want to entertain while educating.
Sea and Sky -- OVERALL: A+
This site is really two sites in one -- and each one is quite extensive! The common areas of the sites include image galleries, games, links to outside resources and sites, details on the subjects (marine life and the solar system), and personal experiences (with an ocean aquarium and a telescope). This is a true find for science teachers since it covers two science subjects in detail and could be used in a variety of lessons.
Stanford Solar -- OVERALL: A+
This site has educational information, resources, and educational activities relating to the sun. Users can learn about the sun's magnetic field, sunspots, and what's happening inside the sun.
The site uses information from the Solar Oscillations Investigation (an international project to study the interior structure and dynamics of the sun) and data from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. Although the data comes from advanced scientific projects, this site is set up for a general audience. It includes activities, a scavenger hunt, quizzes, folklore about the sun, a question and answer section, and an area for "Solar Art." The site also has a glossary to explain the more difficult terms and a page of links to outside resources. A wealth of information on one subject! Science teachers should visit this one!
Study Web -- OVERALL: A+
This site is exactly what it says it is -- a place where anyone doing research can find the information they need quickly and easily. The categories are sorted by approximate grade level, which makes them valuable tools for teachers looking for lesson plan and curriculum ideas. The information for each topic also notes the presence of downloadable or printable images for use as visual aids for school lessons, reports, or projects. The variety of subjects and categories should allow most users to focus on a topic for a report, find
background material for a story, begin research for a paper, or just increase their knowledge.