This is a large Web site with several different resource areas. Many of the projects listed are just for fun. Others been designed for "learning, creativity, and problem-solving while doing craft projects".
The site uses colorful graphics to show designs and illustrate each step. Each section of the site uses a different colored background.
The links to different sections of the Web site are located at the top of each page. The project index has a pull down menu that lists all the different types of projects.
This Web site is actually useful for many areas of education. It can be used for math or art classes as well as for providing ideas and activities related to holidays, special occasions and classroom cooperation projects. The Web site's project index offers a multitude of projects including one that teaches basic geometric concepts and another that covers holidays. Each project includes a variety of designs, patterns that can be printed, and easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions. Most of the projects are illustrated, which makes them very easy to understand. An additional bonus are the related links and resources provided for each activity. Kindergarten through 8th grade teachers will definitely find this site very useful and high school teachers might even be able to incorporate some ideas into their lessons.