Updated JUNE, 2007
Grants Web https://www.srainternational.org/user
GRADE LEVEL: Adminstrators
This Web site is from the Society of Research Administrators. It has a section with information for members only, but the rest of the page offers excellent information for anyone who is or will be writing a research grant. Resources are available for the United States and Canada, and almost every link leads to another page full of resource links. A great place for educators and others who feel overwhelmed when it comes to the paperwork and details involved in grant writing.
Minimal graphics, color is used to divide sections.
Links are easy to find and easy to follow.
This website is put out by the Society of Research Administrators and has a section with information for members only but the rest of
the page has excellent information for anyone needing to, or in the process of, writing a research grant. This site would probably
be very valuable for anyone without access to a lot of information about grant-writing (such as small not-for-profit companies) and
for anyone writing a grant for the first time. There are resources for the United States and Canada and almost every link leads to
another page full of links to resources. There is so much information here it would take a while to get through it all but the page is
organized well and allows the user to find what they are looking for fairly easily. The site is divided into the following sections:
Government Resources, General / Fed Agencies, General Resources and Private Funding Resources. Many Research Administrators,
particularly those members of SRA, may know about this site but it is an excellent find for those needing the information who haven't seen
it yet.