Physical Education is ACTIVE
Featuring energizers, physical activities that relate to the curriculum. Grades: Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8
This site from Kymm Ballard, Physical Education, Athletics and Sports Medicine Consultant for the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, seeks to keep users informed about health and physical education, athletics and sports medicine. Included are classroom-based physical activities and other resources for teachers and parents. Although these materials were developed for North Carolina schools they are useful to teachers and parents anywhere.
Participate in the collaborative development of curricula via this Wiki. Grades: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Curriki, short for curriculum and wiki, is a Web site allowing users to add, modify and critique educational materials that students, parents, and teachers can access and use from anywhere in the world for free.
Middle school teachers: Improve your math teaching here. Grades: Professional
InterMath is an online professional development resource designed to help middle school teachers become better mathematics educators. It is a collaborative effort among the Department of Mathematics Education, the Learning and Performance Support Laboratory at the University of Georgia, Georgia Institute of Technology, and nine regional technology centers in the state of Georgia.
The Presidential Timeline of the Twentieth Century
Clicks to the Chiefs an interactive timeline covering 12 presidents. Grades: 6-8, 9-12
The site was developed by the Learning Technology Center in The University of Texas at Austin College of Education with a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. It tells the story of twelve Presidents from Herbert Hoover to Bill Clinton through a selection of digitized assets from the collections of the twelve Presidential Libraries of the National Archives.
Writing Fun
Certainly more fun with the composition aids on this Australian site. Grades: 3-5, 6-8
Writing Fun, produced by Jenny Eather, an Australian primary teacher, provides instructions, examples, tips, and text organizers to help students write various kinds of compositions.
The Futures Channel
Tune in, turn on to the future, math and science teachers! Grades: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
The Futures Channel provides free multimedia resources for math and science teachers. As stated on the Web site, the goal is to use "new media technologies to create a channel between the scientists, engineers, explorers, and visionaries who are shaping the future, and todays learners who will one day succeed them."
PBS Teachers
The entry point for all Public Broadcasting Service resources for teachers. Grades: Professional
PBS Teachers is a comprehensive Pre-K-12 educator site. It includes thousands of free lesson plans, local and national educator resources, teacher professional development, videos, blogs, and more.
International Reading Association: Web Resources
Significant resource from one of the largest education organizations. Grades: Professional, Parent
This site from the International Reading Association provides free lesson plans, resources and information for promoting high levels of literacy for all.
Free lesson resources from a Dutch teacher dank u! Grades: Pre-K-2 was created by a teacher in the Netherlands and includes lesson ideas, crafts, worksheets, and other downloadable teaching materials for kindergarten and elementary school teachers. Best of all, it is free for classroom use.
Rainforest Math
Practical activities for elementary and middle school. Grades: K-2, 3-5, 6-8
This site was created by Australian teacher Jenny Eather and offers interactive math activities for grades K-6.
Race: Are We So Different?
Scientific, historical, and experiential perspectives on this powerful, sensitive topic. Grades: 6-8, 9-12, Professional, Parents
This site was created by the American Anthropological Association, with funding from the Ford Foundation and the National Science Foundation. It explores the complex story of race, the differences and similarities of people, through the lenses of history, science, and lived experience