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The Futures Channel
Tune in to the future, math and science teachers!
Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12


The Futures Channel provides free multimedia resources for math and science teachers. As stated on the Web site, the goal is to use new media technologies to create a channel between the scientists, engineers, explorers, and visionaries who are shaping the future, and todays learners who will one day succeed them.
This site is well-organized, with links listed in the left sidebar. Featured movies are in the main portion of the front page, and a site map is available. Flash Player is required.

The Futures Channel connects learning to the real world through free documentary videos and lessons that make learning engaging and fun. The movies cover subjects like art, science, business, and more. These short video clips go behind the scenes with professionals from a wide range of careers, put the subject into context, and help answer the question, Why do I need to learn this? The movies run around five minutes each and use a wide range of interesting subject matter such as roller coasters, ball parks, robots, solar powered cars, sports, and the zoo. Each video is accompanied by at least one lesson and some have several lessons for different grade levels. The videos are excellent for bringing life to your curriculum.


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Updated 2009