"Hard-nosed critical thinking is a useful tool, but it also may become a defense against the risky insight that absorption [of texts] can offer," said a university president.
Homeschooled 10-year-old prodigy Tanishq Abraham has become one of the youngest students to graduate high school. He not only met state requirements, but also earned a 4.0 GPA.
Districts often make decisions about ed-tech purchases based on reputation, word-of-mouth and pitches they hear from sales staff. This leaves them susceptible to making decisions based on "relationships" rather than products' merits.
"We don't want students sharing sunscreen," said a district spokeswoman. "If students get it in their eyes or react badly to the sunscreen, it can be quite serious."
"For teachers, MOOCs can be a fun and engaging way to expand expertise and gain new skills. And the summer is a great time to enroll in one of these courses."
The community agrees that the stadium issues are embarrassing, but not for the city of Allen or the school district. They blame Pogue Construction, which built the stadium, and PBK Architects, which designed it.
To counteract a 230,000-member drop in just three years, the organization will provide training and tools for educators, and use membership as an avenue to better teaching and learning conditions.
"Students and teachers work so hard, get to a certain point in June, and too many come back in the fall further behind than when they left," said Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education.
"Political opposition will likely grow....More states could drop out formally or become 'zombies'—ostensibly maintaining the standards but neglecting the tests that would show whether they are meeting them."
City-heavy California has experienced big school funding cuts, but even more urban New York has seen per-student spending increase, said Fivethirtyeight.com's Ben Casselman.
A Superior Court judge agreed that CA’s current laws "make it impossible to remove the system’s numerous low-performing and incompetent teachers, because the tenure system assures them a job essentially for life."
Should "innovative" schools be exempt from typical state laws and regulations? The Kansas State Board of Ed said yes, but this decision could be deemed unconstitutional.
"These are not wealthy families, [yet] they don’t ask for taxpayer assistance," he explained. "They don’t complain about their communities. They don’t ask for buildings or buses."
The Gates Foundation argued that "No evaluation system will work unless teachers believe it is fair and reliable, and it's very hard to be fair in a time of transition."
Communities have often opposed attempts to give charter schools space in public-school buildings, but the schools chancellor spokeswoman said only that "It's our goal to invest in all our public schools, to make sure parents have great... 06/11/2014 - 11:19am ago
"Fewer than half of the superintendents believed that teachers in their districts are well prepared for teaching the Common Core Standards," reported Education Week.