Time off helps kids develop abstract thought and explore ideas learned during the school year, said Alfie Kohn, an outspoken critic of education's fixation on test scores.
After two students were found hanging by their collars from a door hook, officials warn parents to tell kids that hanging from doors, or anything else, is dangerous.
"A Catholic school’s priority is to prepare children for Heaven, not for college," Heather Schweitzer, a mother who pulled her two daughters from All Saints Catholic School, told Fox News.
"The authors of this [study] never questioned, or even bothered to defend, the value of the science lessons [students] learned," said education expert Alfie Kohn.
Millions of U.S. students are suspended each year for minor misconduct, which puts them at risk of falling behind academically, dropping out or entering the juvenile justice system.
"While some patients do need medication, we have seen attention and hyperactivity improve with alternative regimens. Spending time educating patients about prevention has proven effective in our practice," said Dr. Tasneem Bhatia.
"It's time to figure out how to invest in the public schools and stop finding ways to cut more educators," said David Broderic, a spokesperson for the teachers' union.
In the U.S., schools are expected to purchase 3.5 million tablets by the end of 2014, giving kids access to a variety of modern educational tools and opportunities, Guardian Las Vegas reported.
The Governor's decision to throw out Common Core math and English standards drew criticism from educators and business interests, but opponents of the benchmarks applauded the end of what they viewed as harmful federal intrusion, reported... 06/06/2014 - 8:40am ago
Compared to Utah, New York spends nearly three times as much per public-school student. And student achievement is less related to spending than one might think.
Some argue that an over-reliance on numbers takes attention away from the “human factor” crucial not only for effective teaching, but also positive classroom climate.
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