The social science and history lessons below have been selected from the resources of Teacher Created Resources. (Click on the advertisement above for a complete catalog of Teacher Created Resources teacher-ready activities.) The lessons are arranged by grade; scroll down to find lessons for your level. Answer keys are provided below for lessons that require them.
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Map Skills (american history)
ANSWERS: (Page 170) 1. d, 2. a, 3. a, 4. b
Cesar Chavez (biography)
ANSWERS: (Page 170) 1. a, 2. b, 3. d, 4. c
Dr. Antonia Novello (biography)
ANSWERS: (Page 169) 1. c, 2. a, 3. c, 4. b
Social Studies: Civil War
ANSWERS: (Page 144) 1. A, 2. H, 3. D, 4. F, 5. B, 6. E, 7. C, 8. E, 9. D, 10. E
ANSWERS: (Page 144) 1. A, 2. G, 3. C, 4. F, 5. A, 6. G
Which Way Do We Go? (early settlements)
ANSWERS: (Page 236) 1. c, 2. b, 3. c, 4. a, 5. b
The First Settlers (communities past and present)
ANSWERS: (Page 235) 1. False, 2. False, 3. True, 4. False, 5. False, 6. True, 7. True, 8. False, 9. False, 10. False
Frontier Words
ANSWERS: (Page 239) 1. soddy, 2. corn dodgers, 3. forty-niners, 4. chips, 5. emigrants, 6. ague, 7. rustlers, 8. schooner
Triangle Trade
ANSWERS: (Page 238)
Map 1: 1. England; 2. tobacco, rice, indigo; 3 slaves; 4. guns and cloth
Map 2: 5. Africa (slave coast); 6. rum, iron; 7. slaves; 8. sugar and molasses; 9. Atlantic Ocean; 10. Europe, Africa, North America
Continents and Oceans
ANSWERS: (Page 239) 1. answers will vary, 2. the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, 3. the Arctic Ocean, 4. the Indian Ocean, 5. the Atlantic Ocean, 6. South America
World Explorers
ANSWERS: (Page 239) 1. Robert Cavelier, 2. Hernando Cortes, 3. Juan Ponce de Leon, 4. Bartolomeu Dias, 5. Christopher Columbus, 6. Samuel de Champlain, 7. Henry Hudson, 8. Jacques Cartier, 9. Francisco Pizarro, 10. Ferdinand Magellan
The Buffalo
ANSWERS: (Page 239) 1. bowstrings, 2. scouts, 3. parfleches, 4. wolf skin, 5. arrows, 6. blankets, 7. corral, Down: buffalo
Map of the Colonies in 1775 (american revolution)
ANSWERS: (Page 80) 1. New Hampshire, 2. Massachusetts, 3. Rhode Island, 4. Connecticut, 5. New York, 6. Pennsylvania, 7. New Jersey, 8. Delaware, 9. Maryland, 10. Virginia, 11. North Carolina, 12. South Carolina, 13. Georgia
The Lexicon of Liberty (american revolution)
ANSWERS: (Page 79) 1. j, 2. f, 3. a, 4. h, 5. i, 6. c, 7. d, 8. l, 9. r, 10. b, 11. m, 12. n, 13. q, 14. e, 15. o, 16. s, 17. t, 18. p, 19. k, 20. g
Flag Pattern (civics, citizenship)
Producers and Consumers (economics)
Thanksgiving Coupon Book (family, citizenship)
Hanukkah (multicultural education, holidays, art, tolerance)
Make a Peace Windsock (tolerance, art)
Our Community (citizenship)
Fire Safety (safety)
Famous African Americans Minibook (history, biography, tolerance)
Famous People in History (history, biography)
Mother's Day Activities (family, writing)
Your Town (geography, map reading)
ANSWERS: (Page 7) Your Neighborhood. 1. post office, fire station, school, police station, hospital, library; 2. letter carrier; 3. Answers will vary; 4. They put out fires and respond to emergencies; 5. Get out, meet your family where it is safe, call 9-1-1; 6. teacher, principal, guidance counselor, teacher's aide, nurse, librarian; 7. school and public libraries; 8. They keep neighborhoods safe, make sure people follow rules, direct traffic, and/or solve crimes. (Page 8) Visit the Zoo. 1. water; 2. crabs, seahorses, sharks, and starfish; 3. to eat and drink; 4. giraffe; 5. "horse of the river"; 6. in a pouch on her stomach; 7. kangaroo and koala; 8. reindeer; 9. wolf, polar bear, or hare. (Page 9) Kids Town. Answers will vary.
Finding Information on the Internet (citizenship, civics, research)
ANSWERS: (Page 11) The ABCs of Our Nation. O=oath, U=United States of America, R=rights, N=national anthem, A=armed forces, T=tax, I=independence, O=oath, N=national anthem. (Page 12) What Makes Us Special? Answers will vary. (Page 13) How You Can Help. 1. play outside; 2. make crafts; 3. turn off the lights; 4. pick up trash; 5. plant things; 6. rechargeable batteries; 7. walk or ride a bike; 8. turn off the water; 9. take a quick shower instead of a bath; 10. six-pack beverage container rings.
Gwendolyn Brooks (poetry, Black history)
Memorial Day Activities (citizenship, civics, holidays)
Suggestion: Have students make a book from pages 66 to 67.
Make a Washington Monument (following directions)
Our Community (citizenship)
Morse Code (language arts)
ANSWERS: (Page 27). 1. Say no to drugs. 2. Learning science is fun. 3. Elementary my dear Watson.
The Moon (space science)
Braille Activities (senses, tolerance)
Fairy Tales (language arts, literature)
Women's History: Goals (setting goals)
U.S. Flag (history, Internet, reading comprehension)
ANSWERS: 1. George Washington, Robert Morris, George Ross. 2. "Don't Tread on Me." 3. Robert Peary. 4. "Help, I am in trouble." 5. He set many records for sitting on flagpoles.
Christmas in Great Britain (holidays, music)
Reporting the News (language arts, current events)
Memorial Day and the Gettysburg Address (history, language arts)
Suggestion: Use as a chart or reference sheet.
Multicultural Communities (multicultural education, tolerance)
Middle East (geography, history)
Olympic Games (history, sports)
ANSWERS: (Page 77)
(Page 78) First paragraph: Left-handed, Abbott, Michigan, Big Ten, victory, Japan. Second paragraph: Wilma, walk, basketball, track, bronze, three. Third paragraph: Ewry, wheelchair, leg, Paris, Saint Louis, London. Fourth paragraph: Fanny, World War, thirty, track, field. Fifth paragraph: Takacs, pistol, right, shoot, podium, gold. Suggestion: Use page 78 as scavenger hunt or research activity.
Australian Words (language arts)
Statue of Liberty (citizenship, civics)
Amelia Earhart (history, reading comprehension)
ANSWERS: 1. She thought it would be safer. 2. California. 3. May 21, 1937. 4. Answers will vary. 5. about six weeks. 6. 20:14 GMT or 8:14 p.m., 21:30;GMT or 9:30;p.m., about 1 hour, 16 minutes or 76 minutes. 7. Answers will vary.
Utah Map (geography, map reading)
ANSWERS: (Page 21) 1. Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho. 2. Wyoming. 3. 80;and 15. 4. southeast. 5. southeast. 6. east and west. 7. Answers may include the 15, the 70, and the 89.
People of Eminence (biography, using a graphic organizer, making comparisons)
Women Daredevils (history)
ANSWERS: (Page 80) 1. Madame Blanchard. 2. Baroness de la Roche. 3. Jacqueline Cochran. 4. Jacqueline Cochran. 5. Anne Lindbergh. 6. Amelia Earhart. 7. Hanna Reitsch.
Galapagos Islands (geography, research)
Languages Around the World (foreign language)
ANSWERS: 1. French: Quel est votre nom? Italian: Che cosa il vostro nome? 2. Italian: Dove vivete? Portuguese: Onde voc vive? 3. Spanish: Usted habla inglés? German: Sprechen Sie Englisch? 4. Spanish: Estoy utilizando el Internet. 5. German: Ich benutze das Internet.
Kwanzaa (multicultural education, holidays)
Baseball Parks (geography, map reading)
ANSWERS: Check student maps for correctly labeled locations.
Immigration: Citizenship Test (citizenship, government/civics) ANSWERS: 1. They represent the 13 original colonies. 2. England. 3. Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary. 4. Speaker of the House of Representatives. 5. Freed many slaves. 6. The Congress. 7. A democratic form of government (or, a Republic). 8. The Bill of Rights. 9. Freedom of speech/press/religion; peaceable assembly. 10;George Washington. 11. Nine. 12. Native Americans. 13. Germany, Italy, and Japan. 14. William Rehnquist. 15. 26. 16. 50. 17. Red stands for courage, white stands for truth, and blue stands for justice. 18. To make laws.
Secret Message Experiment (history)
China: Translating Confucius (language arts, China)
Geography and the Environment (geography, map reading, Native Americans)
Rebus Puzzle: Ancient History (solving puzzles)
ANSWERS: Solution to the puzzle is below the dotted line at the bottom of the worksheet. Fold the page along dotted line before making copies for students. Note: Rules information is missing; not crucial to complete worksheet.
Famous Olympians (history, sports)
ANSWERS: Famous Olympians: Check students' responses. Use the worksheet as a research activity. Question: THIS SURE IS THE PITS!
Ancient River Civilizations (history, reading comprehension)
Ancient Greece (geography, reading comprehension)
ANSWERS: 1. Answers will vary. Possible answers: responsible, ambitious, successful, brave, respected, caring (towards his son, and perhaps his wife, although the details are thin in that regard). 2. Answers will vary. Possible answers: narrow-minded, cruel, insensitive. 3. This land is very militaristic. The army (at least Commander Lear's portion) moves by foot. It does not value conventional education. Physical strength and stamina are prized almost to a fault. There would appear little room for opposing ideas. 4. Answers will vary.
Native American Basket Weaving (Native Americans, art, reading comprehension)
Suggestion: Use worksheet as a research activity or scavenger hunt.
Sandra Day O'Connor (civics, citizenship)
ANSWERS: (Page 105). 1. justices. 2. chief. 3. president. 4. federal. 5. constitution. 6. foreign. 7. lower. 8. appeals. 9. appeal. 10. administrative. 11. district. 12. one. 13. trial. 14. cases.
Ancient Greece (history, reading comprehension)
Halloween: Building a Web (holiday, spiders)
Gettysburg Address (history, reading comprehension)
Louisiana Purchase (history, reading comprehension)
ANSWERS: (Page 15) The Louisiana Purchase Quiz 1. B. 2. B. 3. C. 4. C. 5. B. 6. C. 7. A. 8. D. 9. B. 10. D.
Consumerism Scavenger Hunt (economics, consumer education, research)
Stock Market (conomics, money)
ANSWERS: Answer key provided on work sheet.
Women's History: Newspaper Article (history, language arts)
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