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The election:
Classroom activities


FAOW The primaries and the political conventions for Election 2016 are coming up. The lessons in this Education World resource are aimed at helping teachers capitalize on this once-every-four-years "teachable moment." Included: Lessons for teaching about the Electoral College and the importance of voting, plus a unique approach to staging a classroom debate about election issues!


Elections offer a unique opportunity for students to learn about the political process and to witness the wheels of democracy in motion. Computer-savvy teachers and students can follow all the goings-on -- thanks to the Internet! Many online news sites will provide in-depth coverage. Among the potential classroom resources are the following online resources:

America's Election HQ (Fox News)

In addition, click on each of the lesson headlines below to access a complete teaching resource! (Notations in parentheses indicate approximate grade levels for each activity.)

Students hunt through newspapers and other news sources for election-related "treasures." (K-12)

Teachers can use these seven books to teach their students about the election process. (K-3)

An experiment drives home to students the importance of voting! (3-12)

Students learn a lesson in media literacy! (6-12)

Use these eight wide variety lesson plans for teaching about the election season. 

Students take a unique approach to a classroom discussion/debate of the election process! (3-12)

Students create a classroom dictionary of election terms. (3-12)

When has the Electoral College been a deciding factor in an election? (3-12)

Students think critically about issues in the current election campaign. (K-12)

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Last updated 2/14/2016