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Illustrating Endangered Species


Trees Sprout Classroom Lessons Throughout the Year

Return to Wild and Wonderful Lessons About Endangered Species


  • Arts & Humanities: Language Arts
  • Arts & Humanities: Visual Arts
  • Educational Technology
  • Science: Life Sciences: Animals


  • 3-5
  • 6-8

Brief Description

Form an art agency and try to secure the job of creating a children's book about endangered species.


Students will
  • form a group.
  • conduct research.
  • answer the questions for each section.
  • critique a work of art using the levels of art criticism.
  • prepare the facts gathered for final presentation.
  • illustrate the species chosen.
  • prepare a page introducing the problem.
  • prepare a page for the conclusion.
  • present your book to another group for critique.


Endangered species, art, book, animals

Materials Needed

  • paper and pencils
  • Internet access (optional)
  • handouts of questions (available online)
  • preferred art media, such as colored pencils

Lesson Plan

In educator Frances Zamorano's Illustrating Endangered Species WebQuest, students work in groups of three to research art and endangered species online. As employees of an imaginary art agency, the students create and submit samples of a children's book about endangered species in an effort to obtain the job of making the entire book.

Note: While this is a WebQuest activity, creative teachers whose students do not have Internet access could adapt the activity to make use of library materials.


Student work must meet "editor's proof specifications" on the site. A rubric is provided.

Lesson Plan Source

Education World

Submitted By

Cara Bafile

National Standards

FINE ARTS: Visual Arts
GRADES 5 - 8
NA-VA.5-8.1 Understanding and Applying Media, Techniques, and Processes
NA-VA.5-8.3 Choosing and Evaluating A Range of Subject Matter, Symbols, and Ideas
NA-VA.5-8.6 Making Connections Between Visual Arts and Other Disciplines

NL-ENG.K-12.2 Reading for Understanding
NL-ENG.K-12.4 Communication Skills
NL-ENG.K-12.6 Applying Knowledge
NL-ENG.K-12.7 Evaluating Data
NL-ENG.K-12.8 Developing Research Skills

GRADES 5 - 8
NS.5-8.3 Life Science

NT.K-12.1 Basic Operations and Concepts
NT.K-12.5 Technology Research Tools

Find more great lessons for teaching about Earth Day issues on Education World's Earth Day resources page.

Click to return to this week's Lesson Planning article, Wild and Wonderful Lessons About Endangered Species.

Originally published 04/25/2003
Links last updated 03/28/2008