Subjects Arts & Humanities |
Brief description An ideal source for an adorable bulletin board that features student work, this activity gets kids to consider "resolutions" for the new school year!Objectives Students
Keywords fall, writing, resolution, acorn, nut, autumn, SeptemberLesson plan With the giddy butterflies that come with a new school year also come hopes and plans for a successful learning adventure -- for both students and teachers! This lesson has students put on their thinking caps and consider how they will achieve these goals as the year gets underway. Discuss the many things families do to prepare children for the first day of school. Ideas may include shopping for new clothes, shoes, and backpacks, or gathering items to pack in lunches, arranging for before and after school care, and more. Tell the students about your own preparations and the tasks that are done to make the school building ready for classes. The start of a new school year is much like the beginning of a new calendar year. Everything is new and there are exciting opportunities and things to explore. Talk about New Year's resolutions and how people often decide to begin new and healthier practices as they start a new year. Hand out copies of the Going nuts for a new grade work sheet Point out the cap on the top of the acorn and explain that you want the students to wear "thinking caps" just like the acorn. Invite the students to share some ways they want to grow and learn this school year. Create a sample list on the board with your class that reflects your "resolutions." Example: Mrs. Jones, during this school year I will... Give the students time to create their own lists and help them to record those ideas carefully on the acorns. As they finish, have the students lightly color their acorns and cut them out. Collect the work sheets. (Consider posting your list of resolutions on a tree trunk made of craft paper with the students' acorns attached and the title "We're Nuts About _____ Grade.") Assessment All satisfactory submissions will be complete and meet classroom writing standards. After display, place the acorns in the students' writing portfolios as an example from early in the school year. Then have the students reexamine their lists and evaluate their success in achieving their goals at the end of the year. Lesson plan sourceEducation World Submitted By Cara Bafile See more fall lessons in our Awesome Autumn archive. Click to return to the Fall Lessons? We've "G-autumn" lesson plan page.
updated 10/05/15
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