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Make a Music Video



  • Music
  • Language Arts
  • Art
  • Theater


  • K-2
  • 3-5
  • 6-8
  • 9-12

Brief Description

Students work together to create a short music video for a familiar children's song.



  • develop ideas for a music video,
  • create props and/or costumes for the video,
  • demonstrate creative thinking and writing skills,
  • work together as a group to create a five-minute music video about a popular children's song,
  • learn about video equipment.


music, video, song, popular, MTV

Materials Needed

  • a camcorder
  • teacher-selected recording of a children's song
  • student-selected props and/or costumes for the video
  • paper
  • pens or pencils

Lesson Plan

This project should be completed over several lessons. The teacher decides the length of time needed to complete the project; the length of the project depends on the ages and abilities of the students.

Prior to the lesson:

  • Learn as much as possible about your video equipment.
  • Talk to a your school media specialist for tips and suggestions, or consult a print or online source about video production.
  • Select recordings of children's songs.

Lesson 1

  • Discuss music videos shown on television. Ask students what they think goes into making a music video.
  • Tell students that they are going to make a five-minute music video about a familiar children's song.
  • Ask students to name some children's songs they know. Play a recording of children's songs. Ask students to name songs that might work well as music videos. Write students' responses on the board. See Songs for Scouts and Scouters (alternate source) for titles and lyrics of numerous popular songs that may be familiar to students.
  • Let the class vote on one song for their video.

Lesson 2
Have the class brainstorm ideas for the video.

Lesson 3 to Completion

  • Have students work together to write the script; choose the cast; make costumes, props, and scenery; and create a list of shots to be staged.
  • Let students practice the video, first without the camera, then with the camera. Note: The teacher should handle the equipment.
  • Complete the filming of the video. Review and edit the tape. Enjoy the finished project!
  • Idea 1: If school rules permit, let students assist in filming and editing the video.
  • Idea 2: Let older students work in teams to create the videos. Provide assistance when needed.


Evaluate students' contributions and participation in the project.

Lesson Plan Source

Education World

Submitted By

Education World

National Standards

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Language Arts:

Fine Arts:

Fine Arts: