NCTE Standards
Language Arts & Reading
Looking for fresh language arts and reading teaching ideas? Education World presents a variety of language and literature resources that all teachers can use to liven up instruction. Find dozens of valuable teaching ideas in our Language Arts and Literature Subject Center.
"The vision guiding these standards is that all students must have the opportunities and resources to develop the language skills they need to pursue life's goals and to participate fully as informed, productive members of society. These standards assume that literacy growth begins before children enter school as they experience and experiment with literacy activities -- reading and writing, and associating spoken words with their graphic representations. Recognizing this fact, these standards encourage the development of curriculum and instruction that make productive use of the emerging literacy abilities that children bring to school. Furthermore, the standards provide ample room for the innovation and creativity essential to teaching and learning. They are not prescriptions for particular curriculum or instruction." --NCTE
Foreign Language
Looking for fresh ideas for teaching foreign languages? Education World presents a variety of foreign language resources that teachers can use to liven up instruction. Find dozens of valuable teaching ideas in our Foreign Languages Subject Center.
ACTFL Statement of Philosophy
"Language and communication are at the heart of the human experience. The United States must educate students who are linguistically and culturally equipped to communicate successfully in a pluralistic American society and abroad. This imperative envisions a future in which ALL students will develop and maintain proficiency in English and at least one other language, modern or classical. Children who come to school from non-English backgrounds should also have opportunities to develop further proficiencies in their first language." --ACTFL