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Teacher of the Day

Name:  Tracey Singh-Poole

School:  De Anza High School

Subject:  9-12 Special Education

State:  California

What or who inspired you to become a teacher?

My inspiration to become a teacher came from my high school agriculture teacher, Mr. Thomas Dormody. He showed that I mattered, at a time in my life when nothing mattered.

How are things different for you now, compared to when you first started teaching?

Definitely there is more support of me as a teacher by both my colleagues and administration. When I began, I felt I was on an island and would have to make it or drown. Having great colleagues who I know I can go to for support makes my job so much more fulfilling.

What advice would you give to a new or struggling teacher?

Find a great mentor and support system and use them. Do not be too proud to ask for help when needed. Accept all help and advice offered, whether you will use it or not.

My best day in the classroom was when…

my students showed me how much I had impacted each of their lives. During a celebration to showcase a person who had made an impact, my students did a video and poster of how I had made a impact and how much I had changed their lives.

The best compliment I ever received was...

Tracey, you are the bomb! Having a parent and student nominate me for three different Teacher of The Year honors (two of which I won) was awesome.

What's your favorite part of the school year?

I love the school year. I guess my favorite part is the winter when we work to get our students prepared for the various performances that we do for our parents.

What is your one must-have item for the classroom?

Glue, glue and more glue.

What do you eat for breakfast on school days?

Breakfast? Who has time for that? Most days my breakfast consist of whatever I can get at Starbucks when I pick up my coffee,,,, yogurt, oatmeal, etc.

What movie or TV show do you secretly love?

"Hell's Kitchen"


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