A national survey found that four out of five top high school students admitted to cheating at some point. In another nationwide study, nine out of ten high school teachers acknowledged that cheating is a problem in their school. Is cheating a problem in your school? Has the Internet added a new dimension to the problem? Education World explored that issue with students, teachers, and other experts who offered workable strategies to curb cheating.
Learn More About Strategies to Curb Cheating
Cheating in the Classroom: How to Prevent It (and How to Handle It If It Happens)
"We sometimes forget the seriousness of not preventing and handling cheating in our classrooms," says classroom management expert Howard Seeman. Included: Easy-to-apply advice for preventing cheating, plus tips on dealing with cheating if it does happen.
Classroom Problem Solver: Prevent Cheating
Elementary school teachers play a key role in conveying the importance of classroom honesty and in helping students learn to take pride in their own work, according to school psychologist and Education World columnist Dr. Ken Shore. Younger students in particular need to learn what cheating is and how to avoid it, Shore says. Included: Six tips to help you prevent cheating in your classroom.
Uniting Against Cheating
When students complained about the level of cheating, principal John J. Brady knew it was time to face the issue directly. Now, faculty, students, and parents at Staples High School are working together to change the mindset about cheating.
Curb Cheating With Prevention Strategies
Educator Kathleen Modenbach reflects on changes she has seen in students' attitudes toward cheating, and on the ounce-of-prevention strategies she uses to curb it.
Put an End to Plagiarism in Your Classroom
Students plagiarize for a variety of reasons. Some are lazy, some are unmotivated, some are disorganized, and some really don't understand what plagiarism is. Whatever the reason, a few simple steps can help you put an end to plagiarism in your classroom.
What Can We Do to Curb Student Cheating?
A national survey found that four out of five top high school students admitted cheating at some point. Is cheating a problem in your school? Has the Internet added some new dimensions to the problem? Included: Ways to combat cheating.
Take Note: Five Lessons for Note Taking Fun
If recent surveys are any indicator, cheating and plagiarism are on the rise. As teachers, however, we might be able to reverse that trend by teaching our students to take good notes. Included: Five fun lessons that teach needed note-taking skills.
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