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Site Review: Oxfam

web site review oxfam

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Content:  The Oxfam Education Web site offers hundreds of free online resources, lesson plans and teaching ideas covering a wealth of topics including climate change, water and fair trade. These award-winning resources are quality tested by experienced educators and take a global-citizenship approach.

Design: Handy is the word that best describes Oxfam’s site. Relevant news and direct teacher resources command equal attention. Visitors can access news items through a vertical bar on the right of the screen, while a companion bar on the left houses links to classroom materOxFam Educationials.

The center column offers content specific to the site’s overall theme, which changes monthly. In addition, site highlights appear in a dedicated area.

Review: Oxfam’s mission is empowering young people to be active global citizens. The group helps young people understand global issues that affect their lives and take action toward a more just and sustainable world. Accordingly, all of the classroom materials have a multicultural perspective. Classroom materials are top-notch, and resources run the gamut from early childhood to high school. Here, educators can find lessons and worksheets as well as assembly ideas and case studies.

Bottom Line:  A wealth of classroom materials with a multicultural and global perspective make Oxfam Education worth a return visit.


Article by Jason Tomaszewski, EducationWorld Associate Editor
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