As you prepare your next quiz, use these five tips to create a quiz that will help students have fun and receive the best possible score.
Testing is a topic that's rarely fun for students. In today's test-driven educational society, it's vital to ensure that students have a positive outlook on taking tests. Many students worry about their performance on tests. Those fears often come from parental expectations and can develop into test-anxiety disorder. As an instructor, its important that you incorporate as much fun into your quizzes as possible. That helps alleviate the stress involved in taking an important exam, and helps students relax and perform to their best ability. As you prepare your next quiz, use the five tips below to create a quiz that will help students receive the best possible score while having fun completing it.
Students want to know that you care about them, not that you just want them to deliver results. It's important to encourage students each time they complete a quiz. Recognizing students efforts can be as simple as a verbal acknowledgment or as formal as a certificate stating that the student has taken the quiz. Don't labor over making certificates by hand, though; if you use an online quiz maker such as ProProfs to administer your test, the software automatically creates a certificate. You can choose to create a certificate for every quiz completion or only for those students who receive a certain score on the quiz. Dedicate a bulletin board in your classroom to display the certificates to encourage students and recognize their efforts.
Every student has his or her own learning style. As you create your quiz, include questions that reach every type of learner. Because most students associate with at least one of Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences, make sure to incorporate each type of intelligence within the questions in your quiz. To achieve that goal, you'll want to create a quiz with plenty of pictures and videos. Those visual and auditory components will help you address more of Gardner's intelligences and appeal to multiple learners.
Often teachers and students treat quizzes as the final grade within an instructional unit, when it should be just the opposite. Students should understand that every quiz is an opportunity for learning. To help illustrate that concept to students, choose to be flexible with the grading of your quiz. When using quiz maker software, you can easily determine as you create a quiz whether all, or just some, of the questions will be graded. That feature is important because it can help students learn and have fun as they take the quiz. Let students know too as they begin the quiz that not every question will be graded and that the point of the quiz is to try their best and not worry about the score they receive. By explaining that to students ahead of time, they'll be able to relax and have more fun with their answers and, hopefully perform better overall.
Take the stress out of test-taking and put some fun into your answers with comical explanations to answers within your quiz. As students complete a quiz, always provide an explanation to each answer to help them learn from their errors or validate correct answers. As you give your explanations, however, try to have fun with them. Give pop culture references within your explanations to help students connect the answer and question to real life. Talk about common mistakes when answering specific questions to let students know that others make mistakes too.
The worst thing you can do when creating and administering online exams, is to fail to provide feedback. If students only receive a score and brief explanations of the correct answer, they'll never learn how they can improve their knowledge of the subject. Create quizzes with software that allows you to insert comments or start discussions about particular questions within the quiz itself. That helps students see what they need to do to improve their understanding of the concept, allows them to apply learning immediately, and gives them a valuable study guide. It also creates for the teacher a record of instructional strategies.
As you apply these tips to your quizzes, remember that variety is crucial. In some quizzes, you might be able to easily embed all the suggestions; in other instances you might not be able to use any of them. The point is to have fun with your quiz and use the tips in the best way possible to reach your students and help them master the concept you're teaching.
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