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Mindfulness in the Classroom:
Five Skills That Influence Your Ability to Work With All Kinds of Learners

By Dr. Joseph Galasso and Elise Aportela

About the Authors

Dr. Joseph Galasso provides professional development and special interest consultation and training to schools, teachers, and educators.

Elise Aportela is the education coordinator with Head Start.

Working With Diverse Learners

Learning is a dynamic and complex process, and the issue of providing the best possible education to young children has become a matter of debate as the student population has become more diverse in their needs. That is particularly true for early childhood educators, as educational, social, behavioral, and developmental difficulties often are identified first in the classroom. The need to remain current on classroom strategy, management, and research is integral to remaining viable in a challenging, and often overwhelming, environment.

This article will take a slightly different -- and more integrative -- approach to the topic of supporting all kinds of learners, by investigating not necessarily specific techniques, but five essential traits, skills, and abilities that allow teachers to work in a diverse classroom. More specifically, we will examine the way an educators understanding of his or her mode of being with young children in the classroom can influence his or her ability to support a diverse population of young learners.

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Be sure to read all six parts of “Mindfulness in the Classroom: Five Skills That Influence Your Ability to Work With All Kinds of Learners.”
* Part 2: Be Self-Aware
* Part 3: Be Present
* Part 4: Be Connected
* Part 5: Be Creative
* Part 6: Teach Resilience

This model postulates that taking time to examine the internal processes that dictate the ability to connect with and understand young children will alter the ability to convey information in a classroom where children have different educational strengths and weaknesses.

After observing, assessing, and implementing these strategies in different school systems, a cumulative model was developed, consisting of five traits, skills, and abilities that aid teachers while working in a diverse classroom.

The model is comprised of the following skills:

  1. Skill 1: Being Self-Aware
  2. Skill 2: Being Present
  3. Skill 3: Being Creative
  4. Skill 4: Being Connected
  5. Skill 5: Teaching Resilience