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Homework Help

For teachers, the hardest part of homework is getting students to do it.

More Homework Tips

For more homework tips, visit the Education World Homework Center.

Do you have a homework tip to share? Send it to [email protected].

I Did It Myself!
Students take responsibility.

Laminate each student's name and attach the names to a bulletin board display labeled Homework. Each day, students take down their name from the bulletin board when they hand in their homework. Students get the satisfaction of removing their names, and it's easy for you to see who hasn't handed in their homework.

Word of the Day
Students complete homework to complete a word.

Every day that all students in the class complete their homework assignments, write one letter of the word Homework on the chalkboard. When the word is complete, treat the class to a reward.

Turn homework into a game.

Download Teachnet's free 35" square Homeworkopoly game board and game pieces. Homeworkopoly, a game based on Parker Brothers' Monopoly, is a great way to encourage students to do their homework -- every day.

Article by Linda Starr
Education World®
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