National Service-Learning Leader Schools are middle and high schools selected by the Corporation for National Service as schools that "demonstrate service-learning that enhances student learning, addresses the needs of the community, is well integrated into the life of the school, and is designed to foster civic responsibility."
"The Leader Schools program showcases schools that have made service an important part of the life of the school," said Harris Wofford, CEO of the Corporation for National Service. "Through their excellence in service learning, these schools have promoted civic responsibility, improved student performance, and strengthened communities."
Upper Arlington's projects are unique and far-reaching in the community. Two of the projects serve as an example of the kinds of service-learning the students have gotten involved in:
Principal Barry Dye is proud of his school's accomplishment. This is the first year the school won a service-learning award and, as far as he knows, it is the only school in the district that has ever won.
Many of Warren Central's departments -- including art, agriculture, business, language arts, special education, and the consumer and family science programs -- developed service-learning projects.
"The language arts department taught Spanish songs and the use of Spanish instruments to students at a local elementary school," Dye told us. "The Special Education Department took pets from the Humane Society to local nursing homes. One group of students involved in a Lifeskills Community program built picnic tables for a local park."
Many other projects reached out into the community and helped Warren Central win the award. Many involved mentoring elementary-age and at-risk children.
The Opportunity School, in Reno, Nevada, might well be the last stop in education for its students. They make it there, or they don't make it at all. They've all come from other schools in the Washoe County School District, for various reasons. The Opportunity School is one last effort to keep in school a group of students who are at high risk for dropping out.
In many of the service-learning projects, the students collaorate with the Nevada Division of Wildlife. Students serve as docents and interpreters at Washoe County wetlands and nature parks; there they work with elementary school students who come to the parks as visitors.
Another group of Opportunity School students illustrated the student field guide for the Oxbow Nature Study Area, located on the Truckee River, in Reno. Other opportunities for students to work in the community include training with the Sierra Nevada Community Access Television (SNCAT) and mentoring reading students at Hunter Lake and Mount Rose elementary schools.
The Opportunity School is an alternative high school that offers a non-traditional learning program. Administrator Susan Mayes-Smith said, "the school will share its service-learning successes with other schools in the district."
The state of New Jersey had the most service-learning award-winning schools; seven New Jersey schools took home awards. Linda V. Rivera is the program officer for the New Jersey Learn and Serve America Program. When asked if it was special programs or overall curriculum that helped them place so many schools, Linda told us: "The answer is both. Both specific programs and the co-curricular connection accentuated the applications. All applicants have service-learning programs that are deeply integrated into their respective curriculums."
New Jersey schools on the list include Cranford High School, the Academy of the Holy Angels (Demarest), Terence C. Reilly Middle School (Elizabeth), Delsea Regional Middle School (Franklinville), Hoboken Charter School, John F. Kennedy Memorial High School (Iselin), and Linden High School.
Teachers at all levels are heavily involved in the New Jersey statewide program. "In all of our leader schools, the teachers are an integral part of their programs. They are involved 100 percent. Without the teachers' involvement, it is very hard to get the curricular connection and all four steps of service-learning," Rivera told Education World.
Those "four steps" of service-learning, from the National and Community Service Act of 1990, are
"Service-learning is on the rise in the state of New Jersey," Rivera went on to say. "The state and nationally recognized schools are located throughout the state. We have 14 state and 11 national leader schools. They are now a network that anyone can use to find out more about service-learning and how it can begin in their schools. They are out there and willing to help."
Many of the educators we talked to had ideas about and tips for starting service-learning projects in any school.
Service-learning programs need to be a stated focus of the school administrators to be successful, principal Barry Dye told us. Teachers must also see value in the program, he said.
"In my opinion, service-learning offers another strategy for teaching and learning," added Dye. "It can involve students who often are not as successful at school."
"Teachers and administrators who want to bring service-learning to their schools should probably begin by helping decision-makers understand the many potential benefits to students, staff, and the community," said Ellen Erlanger. "Then, rather than trying to get everyone to embrace project development simultaneously, I'd suggest starting with those people who are interested and giving them the support they need to initiate successful pilot efforts."
"Once the first few endeavors are off the ground, the magic will grow," added Erlanger. "At least, that's been our experience."
A study conducted in 1999 by the National Center for Education Statistics found "most schools engaged in service-learning believed that it strengthened relationships among students, the school, and the community."
Linda V. Rivera told Education World that she thinks teachers need to get involved and do some research. "Almost every school is involved in community service, but not all schools have transitioned their community service into service-learning," said Rivera. "I believe that if teachers and administrators understood what service-learning is and how it weaves in so nicely with other initiatives such as character education and school to careers/work they might be able to understand the significance and importance that service-learning can serve in their schools."
"It's the perfect way for students to help their communities and [learn to] understand the real significance of what they are doing in the classroom," added Rivera.
You can find out more about service-learning with these links to resources and reports:
Sherril Steele-Carlin
Education World®
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