NFL Champion for Active Kids: Keep Gym in School
Learn about the student fitness-promoting program Keep Gym in School, now in its fourth year.
CT Voices for Children: Do Detentions and Suspensions Work?
Knowing that out-of-school suspensions aren’t effective, a Connecticut-based nonprofit studied alternatives and gathered some great ideas that are working for local schools. The consensus seems to be that if punishment must be given, kids should at least remain in school for it.
Stanford University Expert: Effective School Response to Student Death
Following the sudden passing of a high-school basketball star, schools may be wondering how they should respond to similar tragedies. EducationWorld asked Victor Carrion, M.D., director of the Early Life Stress Research Program at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford, for some advice.
Undetected Eye Problems Hamper Student Learning
Few children have comprehensive eye examinations before they start kindergarten, and undetected vision problems can have a devastating impact on early learning. An optometrist explains some of the “symptoms” of vision impairment in young students.
Helping Kids Spotlight Heroes
Tired of seeing negative behavior and poor role models filling the media spotlight, news producer Jeanne Meyers founded the MY HERO Project, which encourages youngsters as well as adults to recognize the heroes in their lives and learn about others’ heroes.
Linking Healthful Eating to Sustainable Living
Educating young people about how their eating habits affect not just their own health, but other people’s too, as well as the health of the environment, can help improve student food choices and cut obesity rates, according to the Center for Ecoliteracy.
A New Look at Intelligence
In the book, Intelligence and the Brain, Dr. Dennis Garlick argues that intelligence reflects a person’s ability to understand, not just to memorize, and suggests that there are key stages in a child’s development in which parents and teachers should cultivate understanding.
Students Benefit from Active Learning
A program that increases students’ academic and physical fitness -- and blends into classroom schedules -- might have teachers doing cartwheels of their own. By tying physical activity bursts with lessons, Activity Works helps improve students’ focus.
Students Describe Qualities of Great Teachers
Viewing students as consumers -- and consumers with strong ideas about how their instructors should treat them as learners and individuals -- can help good teachers become great teachers in the eyes of the people who matter most, according to a new book.
Edutainers Make Lessons Engaging, Relevant
In coining the term “edutainer,” Dr. Brad Johnson and Tammy Maxson McElroy aren’t suggesting that teachers juggle at the front of the room, but rather that teachers should use some entertainer-type skills to help make lessons more relevant and engaging.
Developing More Resilient School Administrators
People who are resilient -- “realistic optimists" who adapt to changes and learn from mistakes -- often are more effective leaders. More administrators are learning what it means to be resilient.
How Teachers Can and Must Reverse the ‘Boy Crisis’
In the book The Trouble With Boys former Newsweek reporter Peg Tyre outlines boys’ struggles in school, describes how education became less friendly to boys, and warns that failing to engage boys in school could seriously impact the nation’s future.
Using Old Newspapers to Teach History
Few people think of today’s newspapers as tomorrow’s history books. But two history teachers have compiled reproductions of newspapers’ front pages to help students get a snapshot of events as they were reported.
The Importance of Nurturing Resiliency in Children
Societal pressures on families and children make resiliency an important characteristic for children to have. Once thought to be an inborn trait, resiliency can be developed and cultivated with help from educators.
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