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Wallethub recently released a report ranking the best and worst states for teachers. Read the story to learn where each state ended up on the list.
Google Classroom recently announced that it will now offer teachers and students free unlimited storage for school use.
Marc Tucker, president and chief executive of the National Center on Education and the Economy, said that schools need fewer tests and professional development that is school-based.
Students at an elementary school in Louisiana are using cardboard to get a real feel for what it takes to build and alter a structure.
Superintendents across the United States support the Common Core standards according to a recent survey from Gallup.
Choosing complex, age-appropriate texts in professional development lectures and simulations will help teachers discover what really works best in the classroom.
Take service learning projects that apply to communities students care about and add technology for impact. Schools are invited to submit entries now.
The state of Arizona is having trouble filling its teacher openings, turning to hiring teachers internationally. According to experts, there could be a shortage nationwide.
Forget that book. A novel that is banned in one district might not end up being used for a literature excerpt on a standardized test in another.
Special education teachers may provide the key to helping other teachers customized their materials and reach all students.
Consultant Joel Sackett offers administrators five tips to ease the hiring process. Planning ahead can result in better hires.
According to a recent survey, teachers say that they feel more prepared to teach Common Core-aligned lessons than they did last year
A new survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau finds that the high school dropout rate has reached a record low, and it is driven by the improvements among minority students.
Hundreds of high school students and educators in Colorado walked out of their classrooms in protest of proposed changes to the Advanced Placement history curriculum.
The national organization recently sent a letter to the Colorado school board and its students, supporting the student protests and clarifying the role of teachers in the teaching of AP History.
Teachers can connect online and create events--including webinars--to enhance their professional development skillset and network.
Time-pressed teachers need to look to peers and outside resources to learn what tech tools might work best in the classroom.
A recent UNESCO report provides data on how many more elementary school teachers are needed in regions across the world by 2015, 2020, 2025 and 2030 and the number projections increase significantly every year.
Online resources to make school discipline reform easier for educators ae available at SupportiveSchoolDiscipline.org.
Six teachers from the Boston area share with readers why they teach. They're passionate about being in the classroom and they learn from their students.
