Grade Level: 6th-8th grade
Duration: 2 class periods (60 minutes each)
Objective: Students will create a narrative using digital tools and technology. They can develop storytelling skills, including plot development and character building.
Ask: What's your favorite book or movie?
Discuss: Let them share their answers and discuss why those stories are so captivating. This will spark their interest and set the stage for the lesson.
Ask: Have you ever thought about creating your own stories using technology?
Share: Give examples of digital storytelling they might be familiar with, such as YouTube videos or even TikTok. Emphasize how technology can enhance storytelling in exciting ways.
Say: Digital storytelling is the art of using digital tools, such as computers and the internet, to tell a story. It can include text, images, videos, sounds, and even interactive elements.
Say: Invite students to share their favorite TikTok or YouTube video stories or sounds.
Discuss: Talk about the key elements of a good story: plot, characters, setting, and conflict. Use examples from popular books, movies, or video games to illustrate these elements.
Ask: Can you find any of these elements in the stories and movies you love?
Say: Good storytelling is like a recipe. Just like you need certain ingredients for a cheeseburger, you need these key elements for a story. The plot is like the burger. The characters are the lettuce and tomato, the setting is the bread, and the conflict is the cheese. They all work together to make a cheeseburger you recognize.
Do: Have students brainstorm ideas for their own digital narratives. Encourage them to consider genres, themes, and characters. Have them write down their ideas or create a mind map.
Do: Show students user-friendly digital storytelling tools like Adobe Spark, StoryMapJS, or Google Slides. Demonstrate how to access and use these tools. Encourage students to explore the features and templates available.
Ask: Now that you’re building your own digital narrative, what story will you tell?
Do: Have students work in pairs or small groups and choose a digital storytelling tool they are most comfortable with.
Do: Have each student pair or group present their digital narrative to the class. This can be done by projecting their work on the screen or sharing it through the chosen digital platform.
Discuss: Wrap up the lesson by discussing what students learned about digital storytelling.
Ask: "What challenges did you face? What did you enjoy the most? How did technology enhance your storytelling?"
Written by Brooke Lektorich
Education World Contributor
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