Seven Lesson Ideas for Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is coming up, and educators will find ways to bring the holiday into the classroom. From making Valentine's cards to doing math activities, there are plenty of ways teachers can share the holiday with their students. Education World has seven lesson plans and activities educators can use in the classroom this February.
- Lesson Plans Page: Valentine e-cards: With this lesson plan, students will use a computer to make and send Valentine's Day e-cards for their loved ones. Here are the specific objectives:
- Use mouse and keyboard
- Use text boxes and scrollbars
- Write and proofread a Valentine's Day greeting
- Use computer to send a Valentine's Day card
- Teacher Vision: Valentine's Day Word Games: With this printable, students will be able to strengthen their vocabulary. One activity, "'Valentine' Words," students will be required to make words of two or more letters each.
- Lesson Plans Page: Hershey Kiss Paragraph: With this lesson plan, students will learn about sensory details and express their minds about the way the world is. Here are the directions:
- Pass every student in your class a Hershey’s Kiss. Set the Kiss down on their desks, and tell the student’s not to touch the Kiss, to leave it exactly where you placed it.
- Next tell the students to imagine that they have never seen the piece of candy before and have never heard of a Hershey’s Kiss before.
- Then have the students “Free Write” about what the device sat on their desk looks like to them, except a piece of candy.
- Next have the students to pick the object up, without opening it up, and on the same “free write” page, and ” free write” about what the object feels like to them.
- Then have the students open the substance up and place it in their mouth and without writing “it tastes like chocolate” “free write” about what it felt like, and tasted like in their mouth.
- On the next sheet of paper, have the students put their free writing into a paragraph, or essay.
- After their paragraphs are written, go around the room and let the students share what they thought the object placed on their desks looked, felt, and tasted like to them.
- Teacher Vision: Valentine Cards:
What you need:
- 9" x 12" white construction paper
- 6" x 9" red construction paper
- Pencils, scissors, paste (or glue)
What to do:
- Fold the 6" x 9" piece of red construction paper in half and draw on a valentine heart pattern.
- Cut out. Cut small hearts or pieces from the center of the design. Save.
- Fold the 9" x 12" piece of white construction paper in half lengthwise. Paste the heart design on the front.
- Open the card and paste the center hearts on the inside of the cover. The valentine message can go on the right-hand side.
- Lesson Plans Page: Addition and Subtraction: With this lesson plan, students will be able to review addition and subtraction using cut out Valentine hearts.
- Teacher Vision: The Life of Milton Hershey: With this lesson plan, students will learn all about Milton Hershey by reading his biography, pretending to interview each other, learning vocabulary, books, and more.
- Lesson Plans Page: Love Bugs: With this activity, students will use their math skills to count, follow directions, and explore different kids of bugs.
Here are two other resources teachers can use for Valentine's Day:
- Valentine's Day Resources and Lesson Plans: Here, teachers can access resources to teach about Saint Valentine, the heart, poetry, and more.
- Ten Books To Celebrate Valentine's Day: Teachers can find a list of ten different books to teach students about Valentine's Day and the meaning of friendship and kindness.
Article by Kassondra Granata, Education World Contributor