Arts & Humanities
--Foreign Language
--Language Arts
Educational Technology
--Applied Math
--Family Life
Social Studies
--Current Events
Grades 2-up
News Content
Some U.S. students are helping poor women build businesses that improve their families lives.
Anticipation Guide
Before reading, ask students to point out the location of Latin America on a world map. Latin America refers to those territories in the Americas where the Spanish or Portuguese languages prevail: Mexico, most of Central and South America, plus Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico are often included when references are made to Latin America.
You might ask students to locate on the map the five Latin American countries that are participants in the microbank program they will learn about in this weeks news story: Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru.
News Words
Next, introduce these words that appear in the News Word Box on the students printable page: business, debate, low-income, poverty, tortilla, and participate. Discuss the meanings of any of those words that might be unfamiliar. Then ask students to use one of those words to complete each of these sentences:
Read the News
Click for a printable version of this weeks news story Students Bank Loans Money to Start Businesses.
More Facts to Share
You might share these additional facts with students after they have read this weeks news story.
Comprehension Check
Recalling Detail
Think About the News
Discuss the Think About the News question that appears on the students news page. You might use the think-pair-share strategy with students to discuss this question. If you use this strategy
Follow-Up Activities
Geography maps. Provide students with an outline map of North and South America. Have them label and color the five countries to which The Meadows School MicroBank (through Pro Mujer) will fund loans: Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru. In addition, you might have them label other countries.
Math calculating interest. Introduce students to the concept of interest. Explain that when people borrow money to buy a car, home, or anything else, they are almost always charged interest. They will pay back over time all the money borrowed plus the established amount of interest. For example, if someone borrows
$1,000 at 5 percent interest for one yearShare with students this simple interest calculator, a free online tool that they can use to calculate interest. Provide problems for them to solve using the calculator. For example, you might ask them to calculate the interest on a 5-year car loan in the amount of $10,000, borrowed at an interest rate of 5 percent. If you teach older students, you might extend this activity by using this Simple Interest lesson plan from (free registration required).
they will pay a total of
$1,000 + ($1,000 x .05) =
$1,000 + ($50.00) =
over the life of the loan.
Foreign language numbers. Teach students the Spanish words for the numbers 1 through 10. (This resource provides both the numbers and pronunciations.) Then pose simple math problems (for example, 6 + 3 = ? or 8 2 = ?) and challenge students to give their answers in Spanish.
Use the Comprehension Check (above) as an assessment. Or have students work on their own (in their journals) or in their small groups to respond to the Think About the News question on the news story page.
Lesson Plan Source
Education WorldNational Standards
NL-ENG.K-12.2 Reading for Understanding
NL-ENG.K-12.9 Multicultural Understanding
NL-ENG.K-12.10 Applying Non-English Perspectives
NL-ENG.K-12.11 Participating in Society
NL-ENG.K-12.12 Applying Language Skills
LANGUAGE ARTS: Foreign Language
NL-FL.K-12.2 Cultures
MATHEMATICS: Number and Operations
GRADES Pre-K - 2
NM-NUM.PK-2.1 Understand Numbers, Ways of Representing Numbers, Relationships Among Numbers, and Number Systems
NM-NUM.PK-2.2 Understand Meanings of Operations and How They Relate to One Another
GRADES 3 - 5
NM-NUM.3-5.1 Understand Numbers, Ways of Representing Numbers, Relationships Among Numbers, and Number Systems
NM-NUM.3-5.2 Understand Meanings of Operations and How They Relate to One Another
GRADES 6 - 8
NM-NUM.6-8.1 Understand Numbers, Ways of Representing Numbers, Relationships Among Numbers, and Number Systems
NM-NUM.6-8.2 Understand Meanings of Operations and How They Relate to One Another
GRADES 9 - 12
NM-NUM.9-12.1 Understand Numbers, Ways of Representing Numbers, Relationships Among Numbers, and Number Systems
NM-NUM.9-12.2 Understand Meanings of Operations and How They Relate to One Another
MATHEMATICS: Problem Solving
GRADES Pre-K - 12
NM-PROB.PK-12.2 Solve Problems That Arise in Mathematics and in Other Contexts
NSS-C.K-4.5 Roles of the Citizen
GRADES 5 - 8
NSS-C.5-8.5 Roles of the Citizen
GRADES 9 - 12
NSS-C.9-12.5 Roles of the Citizen
NSS-EC.K-4.1 Productive Resources
NSS-EC.K-4.2 Effective Decision Making
NSS-EC.K-4.9 Competition in the Marketplace
NSS-EC.K-4.10 Market Institutions
NSS-EC.K-4.11 Money
NSS-EC.K-4.12 Interest Rates
NSS-EC.K-4.13 Income and Earning
NSS-EC.K-4.14 Entrepreneurs
NSS-EC.K-4.15 Investment
NSS-EC.K-4.16 Government in the Economy
GRADES 5 - 8
NSS-EC.5-8.1 Productive Resources
NSS-EC.5-8.2 Effective Decision Making
NSS-EC.5-8.9 Competition in the marketplace
NSS-EC.5-8.10 Market Institutions
NSS-EC.5-8.11 Money
NSS-EC.5-8.12 Interest Rates
NSS-EC.5-8.13 Income and Earning
NSS-EC.5-8.14 Entrepreneurs
NSS-EC.5-8.15 Investment
NSS-EC.5-8.16 Government in the Economy
GRADES 9 - 12
NSS-EC.9-12.1 Productive Resources
NSS-EC.9-12.2 Effective Decision Making
NSS-EC.9-12.9 Competition in the Marketplace
NSS-EC.9-12.10 Market Institutions
NSS-EC.9-12.11 Money
NSS-EC.9-12.12 Interest Rates
NSS-EC.9-12.13 Income and Earning
NSS-EC.9-12.14 Entrepreneurs
NSS-EC.9-12.15 Investment
NSS-EC.9-12.16 Government in the Economy
NSS-G.K-12.1 The World in Spatial Terms
NT.K-12.6 Technology Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Tools
See recent news stories in Education Worlds News Story of the Week Archive.
Article by Ellen Delisio and Gary Hopkins
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