Is letter writing a lost art? This week Education World provides five new lessons to revive student interest in writing friendly letters. These letter-writing lessons are sure to get your stamp of approval! Included: Links to letter-writing resources, rubrics, and more than ten additional lesson plans!
Has e-mail killed the art of letter writing -- or is the skill still flourishing via phone lines and cable? Whatever your opinion about those questions may be, there's no doubt that letter writing is an essential skill that incorporates and builds upon many other language skills. With the right lessons -- lessons that engage students and emphasize the practical -- letter writing can be a source of learning and an opportunity for classroom fun!
This week, Education World presents five letter-writing lessons that are sure to get your stamp of approval! Click on each of the lesson headlines below for a complete teaching resource. (Appropriate grades for each lesson appear in parentheses.)
Story Characters Write to "Dear Abby
Students play the roles of a book character and an advice columnist in this activity involving writing friendly letters and solving problems. (Grades 3-12)
The Mail Race
Invite students to write friendly letters and mail them to schools near and far. Then wait to see who responds, in this lesson combining language arts and geography. (Grades K-8)
A Letter to Sarah, Plain and Tall
Patricia MacLachlans novel Sarah, Plain and Tall inspires students as they write friendly letters to Sarah from the point of view of Anna or Caleb. (Grades 3-6)
The Lost Art of Letter Writing
What do Harry Trumans letter reveal about the man and the times in which he lived? What do the letters students write today reveal about them? (Grades 6-12)
Anti-Smoking Letter Writing Campaign
Students explore arguments against smoking and write letters encouraging friends not to smoke. (Grades 3-12)
Truckers, Kids Make Good Buddies
Buddy International pairs truckers and students as e-pals.
Stationery for Friendly Letters
Childrens author Jan Brett offers printable friendly-letter stationery for kids.
As we searched the Net for great resources, we found more lesson plans that teach letter writing skills. Click here to view those lessons!
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