Valentine's Day means cinnamon hearts, conversation hearts, paper hearts -- and a "hearty" collection of activities for children. These lesson ideas will put you in the loving spirit of the holiday.
Valentine's Day is here, and educators will plan on teaching their students about the heart and its functions. Probably the best heart-related resource on the Internet for students is The Heart: An Online Exploration from the Franklin Institute Science Museum. You will definitely want to begin your study with this virtual trip through the heart and its functions. The site offers pages that address the development and structure of the heart, how blood flows through blood vessels, body systems, maintaining a healthy heart, monitoring the heart, and the history of heart science. Because this site requires a great deal of reading, you may use it to gain a better understanding of the heart and to help you explain it to your younger students. Older students can experience the heart on their own!
Your heart will skip a beat when you share one of these heart-related activities!
Art -- making heart crafts. Nothing pulls at the heartstrings of a mother more than a handmade heart from her child. You can help your students win points with their moms, dads, grandmas, and grandpas with these crafts. Appropriate but not exclusively reserved for Valentine's Day, your students will love making a
Pop-up Valentine card,
Heart cone,
Heart book pendant
You might have your students make the book pendant before you visit a great site with lots of facts and have them record in their books some of the details they learn!
Language arts -- making conversation (hearts). Conversation hearts are a favorite Valentine's Day tradition. You can learn some facts about those delightful candy hearts with the witty sayings at Spelling love with candy hearts. When your students have been adequately schooled on the conversation heart, have them create one for a bulletin board in your classroom. The hearts should have one line of five or less characters or two lines of no more than four characters each.
Math -- counting and graphing. Wrap-up the above activity by bringing in a touch of math with Valentine Candy Count, a lesson for students in grades 1-4 that has them counting and graphing the contents of a bag of conversation hearts!
Health -- "hearty" recipes. One way to improve physical health is to eat better, and that means cooking foods that are tasty and good for the heart! The American Heart Association Kids' Cookbook contains many such recipes, including baked chicken strips. Have some fun making and eating this healthy foods, or show you have a heart by baking the cookies and giving them to a charitable organization near you.
For more heart-healthy recipes for kids, you might want to purchase The American Heart Association Kids' Cookbook.
Math -- calculate target heart rate. Your students can find out how to calculate their ideal heart rate. Have them follow the directions at the bottom of the page by subtracting their age from 220 and finding their target heart rate and multiplying that number by 60% for minimum training heart rate and by 80% for maximum training heart rate. After they have completed the arithmetic, instruct them to go to the top of the page and use the calculator to check their answers. Next, follow the directions found in Taking a Pulse, a lesson for grades 4-6, and have the students measure their pulse. How does their actual pulse compare with the desired numbers?
Language arts/art -- one with no heart. Among favorite children's stories, one of Dr. Seuss's best is How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The Grinch was a heartless tyrant until he learned about the true joy of Christmas. Teaching Master 1: How Big Is Your Heart? directs your students to think about the Grinch's heart and how it changed throughout the story.
Science -- diagnosing the heart. Take your students a step beyond experts with this activity, and make them specialists! Begin by exploring some sounds of the heart...
Usually used as a tool for doctors-in-training, your students can listen to the files and discover for themselves how difficult the job of these physicians really is. See Heart Murmurs and Your Child or Heart Murmur: What to Know for simple explanations of heart murmurs and how they are treated.
Language arts -- heartfelt quotes. Send your students on a mystery to find the figures behind the heartfelt quotes on Teaching Master 2: A quote from the heart -- who said It? -- all fifteen of them! Students will use the Web resources Familiar Quotations or Quotation Search.
ANSWERS: 1. William Shakespeare, 2. Benjamin Franklin, 3. King Farouk of Egypt, 4. Blaise Pascal, 5. Elizabeth Ashley, 6. Robert Benchley, 7. Gilbert K. Chesterton, 8. Charles Schulz, 9. Al Bernstein, 10. Robert Bloch, 11. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 12. Diana Princess of Wales, 13. Margaret Thatcher, 14. Samuel Woodworth, 15. Henry W. Longfellow.
Health -- understanding heart disease. The Three R's of Heart Disease are reduce, recognize, and respond. Knowing these R's and putting them into action can save lives. Your students probably know a friend or family member who is at risk or is suffering from heart disease. Have them design an informational brochure based on the 3R's of Heart Disease. They may use information from this site as well as other medical sites on the Internet.
Blood circulation through the heart -- kinesthetic activity
This is a great game for young students that explains how blood flows through the heart.
Learning about the cardiovascular system
This is a lesson for third graders about the heart and blood. A worksheet is included, and the directions for an interesting mix of candy blood are a part of the activity!
American Heart Association: Elementary lesson plans
This website has plenty of activities for students of all ages when it comes to learning about the heart.
Students can watch videos and participate in classroom activities to learn about EGC records and how the heart beats.
Article by Cara Bafile
Education World®
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