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Every-Day Edit: First Untethered Space Walk

Hand out this worksheet with the uncorrected text for students to find errors of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, or grammar.

Activity Key

Uncorrected Text:

On february 27, 1984, Bruce McCandless II and robert L Stewart were the first astronauts on history to make untethered space walks. this means they walked with out being attached to anything During Space Shuttle mission STS-41B, they used equipment called MMUs (manned maneuvering units). The astronauts tested there MMUs before doing repair exercises out side the spacecraft four almost six hours.

Answer Key:

On February 27, 1984, Bruce McCandless II and Robert L. Stewart were the first astronauts in history to make untethered space walks. This means they walked without being attached to anything. During Space Shuttle mission STS-41B, they used equipment called MMUs (manned maneuvering units). The astronauts tested their MMUs before doing repair exercises outside the spacecraft for almost six hours.


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