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Featured GraphicPysanky: Ukrainian Easter Eggs

Hand out this worksheet with the uncorrected text for students to find errors of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, or grammar.


pysanky ukrainian easter eggs

Uncorrected Text:

Decorated eggs called pysanky" are a tradition in Ukraine. The craft has been practiced for thousands of year. An artist draw a pattern on an egg with a special pen and hot wax Than she applies dye to the egg. The wax protecks the covered areas from the dye, leaveing blank spaces where other colors can be applyed. She repeats this process to from patterns. The patterns celebrate spring and the easter holiday.


Answer Key:

Decorated eggs called "pysanky" are a tradition in Ukraine. The craft has been practiced for thousands of years. An artist draws a pattern on an egg with a special pen and hot wax. Then she applies dye to the egg. The wax protects the covered areas from the dye, leaving blank spaces where other colors can be applied. She repeats this process to form patterns. The patterns celebrate spring and the Easter holiday.


Photo credit: Luba Petrusha.

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