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James Forten, Free Black Man

Hand out this printable student work sheet with the uncorrected text for students to find errors of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, or grammar.



Activity Key

Uncorrected Text

James Forten was born a free black man on September 2 1766. When he was 14 year old, he went to work on a American warship. The ship was capture and Forten was held prisoner fore seven months. After his release, Forten became an apprentice sailmaker. He eventually bought the companie. His sucess made him one of the wealthiest people in Philadelfia. He used his money to buy slaves's freedom and to help fund the abolitionist movement?

Answer Key

Note: Eleven errors are identified below. Some sharp-eyed readers identified "The ship was captured, and Forten was held prisoner..." as a compound sentence in need of a comma. You might give students extra credit for identifying all eleven errors.

James Forten was born a free black man on September 2, 1766. When he was 14 years old, he went to work on an American warship. The ship was captured, and Forten was held prisoner for seven months. After his release, Forten became an apprentice sailmaker. He eventually bought the company. His success made him one of the wealthiest people in Philadelphia. He used his money to buy slaves' freedom and to help fund the abolitionist movement.


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