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Wild About Jane Goodall

Build grammar skills using this activity and answer key for an article about Jane Goodall.

Activity Key

Uncorrected Text

When Jane Goodall arrived in Tanzania at age 26. She was about to fulfill a dream. Goodall longed to lern more then anyone else might hope to know about chimpanzees. Born on April 3, 1934, her adventures into the African Jungle were most unique because she were a women. Her discoverys would amaze the scientific world. She found that chimps striped leaves from twigs to use as tool and that they hunted and ate other animals.

Answer Key

When Jane Goodall arrived in Tanzania at age 26, she was about to fulfill a dream. Goodall longed to learn more than anyone else might hope to know about chimpanzees. Born on April 3, 1934, her adventures into the African jungle were most unique because she was a woman. Her discoveries would amaze the scientific world. She found that chimps stripped leaves from twigs to use as tools and that they hunted and ate other animals.


Article by Gary Hopkins
Education World® Editor in Chief
Copyright © 2005 Education World

