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Hand out this worksheet with the uncorrected text for students to find errors of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, or grammar.


Uncorrected Text:


Thanksgiving is a american holiday that celebrate’s the Pilgrims successful harvest. The Pilgrims were thankful that they had survived in the New World. At the first Thanksgiving feast, people ate lobster, seal, swan, and dear meat. In modern times, we serve turkey diners, have familey gatherings, and watch foot ball games. Many also donate food to neighbors who dont have enough two eat.


Answer Key:

Thanksgiving is an American holiday that celebrates the Pilgrims successful harvest. The Pilgrims were thankful that they had survived in the New World. At the first Thanksgiving feast, people ate lobster, seal, swan, and deer meat. In modern times, we serve turkey dinners, have family gatherings, and watch football games. Many also donate food to neighbors who dont have enough to eat.


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