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Featured GraphicEvery-Day Edit: Springtime on the Farm

Hand out this worksheet with the uncorrected text for students to find errors of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, or grammar.

Uncorrected Text:

When spring begins on a farm, many chores need to be done. Farmers needs to fix equipment and plow feilds so that there ready for knew crops. they need to clean animal pens and care for newborn animals such as lams. Other work includes repair fences, setting up water pumps, and choping firewood. When the new season arrives, a farm become a very busy place


Answer Key:

When spring begins on a farm, many chores need to be done. Farmers need to fix equipment and plow fields so that they’re ready for new crops. They need to clean animal pens and care for newborn animals such as lambs. Other work includes repairing fences, setting up water pumps, and chopping firewood. When the new season arrives, a farm becomes a very busy place.