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Every-Day Edit: Monkeys in Space

Hand out this worksheet with the uncorrected text for students to find errors of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, or grammar.

Uncorrected Text:

Two monkies became the first living cretures to survive a space flite in May of 1959. The monkey’s names were Able and Baker. They were shot in to space inside the nose of a rockit. Scientists needed to know if it wood be safe for humans to go to space; they sent the monkeys to see how they would do. They monkeys prooved that human’s could survive a space flight.


Answer Key:

Two monkeys became the first living creatures to survive a space flight in May of 1959. The monkeys' names were Able and Baker. They were shot into space inside the nose of a rocket. Scientists needed to know if it would be safe for humans to go to space; they sent the monkeys to see how they would do. The monkeys proved that humans could survive a space flight.


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