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Featured GraphicEvery-Day Edit: Gardening Fun

Hand out this worksheet with the uncorrected text for students to find errors of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, or grammar.

Uncorrected Text:

In April, many people start to plan they’re gardens. this is the best time of year to plant seeds for vegtables and fruits that will be harvested in summer. Would you enjoy a salad of crisp beans carrots, and lettuce, or are juicey tomatos and melons your favorites. Do’nt forget to water the plants and pulled the weeds. A garden take work, but it can be fun.


Answer Key:

In April, many people start to plan their gardens. This is the best time of year to plant seeds for vegetables and fruits that will be harvested in summer. Would you enjoy a salad of crisp beans, carrots, and lettuce, or are juicy tomatoes and melons your favorites? Don't forget to water the plants and pull the weeds. A garden takes work, but it can be fun.


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