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Featured GraphicEvery-Day Edit: Arbor Day

Hand out this worksheet with the uncorrected text for students to find errors of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, or grammar.

Uncorrected Text:

People honor Arbor Day by planting tree’s. The first Arbor day was held in Nebraska on 1872 Soon after, the holiday became national and international. The official day is the last Friday in April, but sum states uses a different day thats better for planting. Northern states celebrate in may, and southern state celebrate in Febuary.

Answer Key:

People honor Arbor Day by planting trees. The first Arbor Day was held in Nebraska in 1872. Soon after, the holiday became national and international. The official day is the last Friday in April, but some states use a different day that's better for planting. Northern states celebrate in May, and southern states celebrate in February.


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