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Hot Plate for the Holidays


Arts & Humanities
--Art History
--Visual Arts
Social Studies



Brief Description

A student-designed hot plate can make a nice gift for Mothers Day, the December holidays, or any other time.


Students will

  • consider a variety of options for decorating a tile that can be used as a kitchen hot plate.
  • plan their design and follow instructions for decorating a hot plate.


hot plate, hotplate, Mothers Day, gift

Materials Needed

Lesson Plan

A student-designed hot plate can make a nice gift for Mothers Day, the December holidays, or any other time.

This art project starts with a visit to your local building supply store. There you should be able to find white bathroom or kitchen tiles that are the key ingredient" for creating a decorative kitchen-table hot plate. An 8- or 9-inch square tile seems the ideal size for this project.

Provide a tile for each student along with an assortment of permanent markers. Students might design" (create a pencil sketch of) their hot plate before drawing on the tile.

  • If the tiles are intended as Mothers Day gifts, students might draw colorful springtime/floral scenes.
  • If the tiles are intended as gifts for the December holidays, students might draw holiday scenes.
  • Alternatively, more advanced students might create designs that model a particular style of art, for example, pop art or impressionism.
    If youre creating hot plates as Mothers Day gifts, you might play this YouTube video of Tchaikovskys Waltz of the Flowers" for inspiration as students design their hot plates.
    Once the tiles are designed and drawn, you will want to seal" them in order to preserve and protect the colors. Acrylic paint sealers will do the trick.
    Follow instructions for use as they appear on acrylic sealer cans. Sealing should be done after students have left the building for the day or weekend. Spraying outdoors -- perhaps in a courtyard where tiles can dry undisturbed -- would be preferable.
    Finally, each student should cut a piece of thick felt that is the same dimensions as the tile. They will glue the felt to the back of the tile so the hot plate will not scratch table surfaces.


    Assess students based on their ability to follow instructions and the thought and planning they put into their designs.

    Lesson Plan Source

    Submitted By

    Gary Hopkins

    National Standards

    FINE ARTS: Visual Arts
    GRADES K - 4
    NA-VA.K-4.1 Understanding and Applying Media, Techniques, and Processes
    NA-VA.K-4.2 Using Knowledge of Structures and Functions
    NA-VA.K-4.3 Choosing and Evaluating A Range of Subject Matter, Symbols, and Ideas
    GRADES 5 - 8
    NA-VA.5-8.1 Understanding and Applying Media, Techniques, and Processes
    NA-VA.5-8.2 Using Knowledge of Structures and Functions
    NA-VA.5-8.3 Choosing and Evaluating A Range of Subject Matter, Symbols, and Ideas
    GRADES 9 - 12
    NA-VA.9-12.1 Understanding and Applying Media, Techniques, and Processes
    NA-VA.9-12.2 Using Knowledge of Structures and Functions
    NA-VA.9-12.3 Choosing and Evaluating A Range of Subject Matter, Symbols, and Ideas

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