Brief Description
Create challenging tongue twisters that truly tangle the tongue; learn about parts of speech.
Brief Description
tongue twister, noun, adjective, verb, adverb, speech
Lesson Plan
In this activity, students will write their own tongue twisters using a variety of parts of speech.
Write some of the tongue twisters below on a sheet of chart paper. (Some of these have been adapted from the 1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters.) Invite students to give some of the tongue twisters a try.
Talk with students about what makes a good tongue twister. They might suggest that most (but not always all) of the words in a tongue twister begin with the same letter. Or, as is the case with "Craig Quinn took a Quick Trip to Crabtree Creek," many of the words begin with the same "kuh" sound.
Talk about the parts of speech that are used in tongue twisters. Most have nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Many include adverbs. Mark up a couple of the tongue twisters as examples:
Santa's (noun) short (adjective) suit (noun) shrunk (verb).
Wayne (noun) went (verb) to (preposition) Wales (noun) to (preposition) watch (verb) wild (adjective) walruses (noun).
Blake's (noun) black (adjective) bike's (possessive noun) back (adjective) brake (noun) broke (verb).
After talking about what makes a good tongue twister, challenge students to
Set aside time for students to share the tongue twisters they create.
As a follow-up activity you might print out a sheet with some of the students' tongue twisters on it. Leave space between each tongue twister so students can write above each word the part of speech that word represents.
Have peers assess if each student...Lesson Plan Source
Submitted By
Gary Hopkins
National Standards
NL-ENG.K-12.5 Communication Strategies
NL-ENG.K-12.6 Applying Knowledge
NL-ENG.K-12.12 Applying Language Skills
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Copyright© 2009 Education World
Originally published 01/26/2006
Last updated 02/16/2009