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Simplifying Numbers with Factoring


Grade Level: 4th Grade
Duration: 1 Hour

Objective: Through interactive, hands-on activities, students will understand and apply the concept of factoring numbers to break down larger numbers into their component factors. By the end of the lesson, students will recognize patterns in factors, differentiate between prime and composite numbers, and connect factoring to real-world applications.

Materials Needed

  • Mini whiteboards and markers (one per student or group)

  • Large chart paper or whiteboard for teacher demonstrations

  • Number cards (cards with numbers between 1–100)

  • Blocks, counters, or small manipulatives for visual demonstrations

  • Projector or digital interactive whiteboard (optional for visual engagement)

Lesson Plan Outline

Introduction & Engagement (15 minutes)

Ask: “What does it mean to split or break something into parts? Can we do the same with numbers? Why might we want to?”

Discuss: Allow a few students to share responses, fostering curiosity about the concept.

Do: Demonstrate the concept of factors. 

Say: “Factors are numbers that multiply together to make another number. For instance, 2 and 3 are factors of 6 because 2 × 3 = 6.”

Do: Using blocks or counters, show visual examples. Arrange 6 blocks into 2 rows of 3 and 3 rows of 2, reinforcing the relationship between multiplication and factors. Have students identify other numbers they could split into groups (e.g., 8 as 2 groups of 4 or 4 groups of 2).

Ask: “What are factors of 10?”

Ask: “Can we factor 7 the same way?” (Introduce the idea of prime numbers here: 7 is a number with only two factors, 1 and itself.)

Do: Write examples on the board, inviting students to contribute.

Group Exploration: Factor Hunt (20 minutes)

Do: Divide the class into small groups and distribute sets of number cards (e.g., 12, 15, 20, 30). Provide manipulatives and ask groups to explore all the ways they can divide each number into equal groups.

Example: For 12, students might find:

  • 1 group of 12

  • 2 groups of 6

  • 3 groups of 4

Say: Encourage students to write their findings on mini whiteboards or chart paper.

Do: Teach students to double-check by multiplying the factors back together to ensure accuracy.

  • Example: For 12, 2 × 6 = 12 and 3 × 4 = 12 confirm the factors.

Do: Circulate among groups, observing their methods and providing guidance as needed.

Ask: “Why do you think 2 and 3 work as factors for 6 but not for 7?”

Ask: “Are there any numbers that are harder to factor? Why?”

Interactive Game: Factor Frenzy (15 minutes)

Do: Organize the class for a friendly competition. Display a number (e.g., 18) on the whiteboard or projector.

Do: Have students race to write down all the factors of the number on their mini whiteboards. After one minute, review the answers together. Correct responses earn points. Begin with simpler numbers (e.g., 12, 15) to build confidence, then progress to larger numbers (e.g., 24, 36). You can also include a special "Prime Number Surprise" round where students must identify numbers with only two factors (e.g., 11, 13, 17).

Discuss: After each round, briefly discuss patterns in the factors:

  • “Why does 24 have more factors than 17?”

  • “What do you notice about numbers like 36 that can form many factor pairs?”

Reflection and Application (10 minutes)

Ask: “What patterns did you notice about numbers with lots of factors compared to those with only a few?” “How might knowing factors help us in real life?”

Do: Highlight practical uses, such as sharing or dividing items equally. Pose examples:

  • “If you have 24 pieces of candy and want to share them equally among 4 friends, how would factoring help?”

  • “What if you’re planting a garden in rows of 3 and have 18 plants?”

Ask: “Think of a time in your life when you might use factoring. Write or draw an example.”

Do: Collect responses to assess understanding.


Do: Observe participation and group collaboration during the Factor Hunt. Evaluate the accuracy of answers in Factor Frenzy. Review exit activity responses to gauge understanding of real-world applications.

Extensions for Engagement

Do: Assign a Factor Detective Journal. Have students track new numbers they encounter and write their factors during the week. Encourage them to find the largest numbers they can factor.

Do: Introduce the concept of greatest common factors (GCF) by comparing the factors of two numbers (e.g., 12 and 18).

Do: For an art connection, create a “Factor Tree” for a large number, with branches representing the factors and their pairings.


Written by Rachel Jones

Education World Contributor

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