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Setting and Tracking Personal Goals

Objective: The objective of this lesson is to empower students to set and track personal goals for the school year. They will learn the importance of goal setting, discover ways to stay motivated and develop a sense of achievement as they progress.

Duration: Each activity is approximately 45-60 minutes.


  • Whiteboard or blackboard

  • Markers or chalk

  • Chart paper

  • Sticky notes

  • Writing materials (pens, pencils)

  • Paper

  • Inspirational quotes or posters (Optional)

Activity 1: "What's Your Big Goal?"

Introduction (5 minutes)

Ask: "How many of you have set goals before, whether for school, sports, or personal achievements?"

Discuss briefly what a goal is and its importance in shaping our actions and achievements.

Setting Personal Goals (15 minutes)

Do: Instruct students to take a few minutes to think about their most significant goal for the upcoming school year.

Do: Prompt students to write the answers on their paper.

  • What is your goal for this school year?

  • Why is this goal important to you?

  • What steps do you think you need to take to achieve it?

  • How will you stay motivated throughout the year?

Sharing and Discussion (10 minutes)

Discuss: Volunteers can share their goals with the class, and others can provide positive feedback and suggestions.

Activity 2: "Visualizing Success"

Introduction (5 minutes)

Say: Explain the power of visualization and how it can positively impact goal achievement.

Share a story of using visualization to reach a goal.

Creating Vision Boards (30 minutes)

Do: Provide each student with chart paper, magazines, markers, glue, and scissors. Instruct them to create a vision board that represents their goals and aspirations. They can cut out images, words, and quotes that resonate with their ambitions and paste them on their vision boards.

Ask students to present their vision boards to the class and share what they visualize for their future.

Discuss how visualizing success can boost their confidence and determination.

Activity 3: "Obstacles and Solutions"

Introduction (5 minutes)

Say: Explain that obstacles are a natural part of the journey to achieving goals.

Share a personal anecdote or a story about overcoming challenges to inspire resilience.

Identifying Potential Obstacles (25 minutes)

Ask students to think about possible obstacles they might face while pursuing their goals.

Have them write these obstacles on sticky notes.

Do: Create a "Solution Chart" on the board with categories such as "Time Management," "Support System," "Effort," etc.

Discuss: As a class, brainstorm possible solutions to the obstacles listed on the sticky notes.

Reflection (5 minutes)

Ask students to reflect on the importance of being prepared for challenges and how they can stay resilient in the face of setbacks.

Activity 4: "Small Steps, Big Progress"

Introduction (5 minutes)

Say: Explain the concept of breaking down big goals into smaller, manageable tasks.

Use a relatable analogy like assembling a puzzle one piece at a time.

Setting Mini-Goals (30 minutes)

Do: Instruct students to revisit their main goal and create a list of smaller, achievable mini-goals.

Provide guidance on setting realistic and measurable mini-goals.

Ask students to design a simple progress tracker to monitor mini-goal achievement.

They can use charts, graphs, or any creative method to visually track their progress.

Sharing and Accountability (10 minutes)

Discuss: Encourage students to share one or two of their mini-goals and how they plan to track their progress. Talk about the importance of accountability and how sharing goals with others can provide support.

Activity 5: "Goal Buddies"

Introduction (5 minutes)

Say: Explain the idea of having a goal buddy – someone who can support and motivate them throughout the year.

Finding a Goal Buddy (25 minutes)

Do: Have students pair up or form small groups with their classmates. Instruct them to share their main goals and mini-goals with their goal buddy. Encourage them to discuss ways they can support and encourage each other.

Do: Each pair or group can introduce their goal buddy to the class and describe their support plan.

Ask: How can having a support system can make goal setting more enjoyable and effective?

Activity 6: "Positive Affirmations"

Introduction (5 minutes)

Say: Explain the concept of positive affirmations and their impact on mindset and self-belief.

Creating Personal Affirmations (15 minutes)

Do: Instruct students to write down positive affirmations related to their goals and abilities.

Encourage them to personalize these affirmations for maximum impact.

Affirmation Circle (15 minutes)

Do: Form a circle and have each student share one of their affirmations aloud.

The rest of the class can repeat the affirmation after each speaker.

Written by Brooke Lektorich
Education World Contributor
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