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Numbers in Motion: Before and After in the World of Math

Subject: Mathematics

Grade Level: 1st-3rd


By the end of the lesson, students will show an understanding of numbers before and after a given number on the number line, focusing on moving up and down.


  • Large number line displayed in the classroom

  • Number cards (0-20)

  • Flashcards with visual representations of objects (e.g., fruits, stars, animals)

  • Whiteboard and markers

Introduction (15 minutes)

Begin the lesson by reviewing counting from 0 to 20 as a class.

Say: Good morning! I hope you're ready for an exciting math adventure. Today, we're going to explore numbers in motion. But before we begin, let's quickly count to 20 together. I'll start, and you continue. Ready? 

*Count to 20 together* 

Say: Fantastic! Give yourselves a round of applause. Now that our counting skills are warmed up let's jump into our lesson about numbers in motion on the number line.

Introduce the concept of a number line by showing a large number line displayed in the classroom. 

Emphasize that it represents the order of numbers from 0 to 20.

Say: A number line is like a road that helps us understand the order of our numbers. And guess what? It goes from 0 to 20, just like our counting warm-up. See these numbers? Each one helps us know where we are and where we're going.

Do: Ask your students to take turns coming to the front and pointing to different numbers on the number line while the class counts together.

Guided Practice (15 minutes)

Write a series of numbers on the whiteboard and ask students to come up individually to circle the number before or after the given number.

Demonstrate with a few examples: 

  1. Write the numbers 5, 6, 7. Ask students to circle the before and after numbers 5 and 7.

  2. Write the numbers 8, 9, 10. Ask students to circle the before and after numbers 8 and 10.

Provide positive reinforcement and correct any mistakes as they arise.

Activity 1: Before and After (20 minutes)

Distribute number cards (0-20) to each student. (If you do not have number card class sets, have your students make their own number cards using index cards. Place their custom number cards on a ring to use throughout the school year.)

Explain that you will call out a number. 

Your students will raise the number before and after the called number using their number cards. 

Demonstrate with a few examples: 

  1. If the number is 7, ask students to show cards 6 and 8.

  2. If the number is 12, ask students to show cards 11 and 13.

Complete the activity as a class, in small groups or pairs, taking turns calling out numbers and identifying the ones before and after.

Activity 2: Numbers in Motion Game (25 minutes)

Divide the class into two teams.

Place a set of flashcards with visual representations of objects (fruits, stars, animals) at one end of the classroom.

Each team member will take turns selecting a number card. 

The student must then count the correct number of objects, walk the number card to the classroom number line, and hold the card to the corresponding number.

Demonstrate with a few examples: 

  1. If the number on the card is 13, ask students to hold the card under 13.

  2. If the number on the card is 2, ask students to hold the card under 2.

Once confirmed, the student will return their number card to their team, where the next student will draw a new number card. 

As your students' knowledge increases, increase the difficulty by asking them to identify the before and after numbers.

Demonstrate with a few examples: 

  1. If the number on the card is 18, ask students to identify 17 and 19.

  2. If the number on the card is 1, ask students to identify 0 and 2.

Make the activity a relay race with a treasure box prize as your students improve their number skills.

Encourage teamwork and congratulate each team for their efforts.

Closure (5 minutes)

Gather your students together and review the concept of numbers before and after on the number line. 

Ask your students to share what they learned.

Assign a small task for homework, such as drawing a simple number line at home and placing numbers before and after a given number.


  • Observe students during the activities to assess their ability to identify numbers before and after on the number line. 

  • Review their participation in class discussions and activities.

  • Check their homework assignments for understanding.

Written by Brooke Lektorich
Education World Contributor
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