Click-Click: A Science Themed Picture Scavenger Hunt

Take your science lesson outdoors with a fun science-themed picture scavenger hunt. You can adapt this lesson for students of all ages; it can also be completed as homework or a project.
This science lesson aims to build on your students' scientific knowledge with a picture scavenger hunt. Ideally, you should already have a theme for the scavenger hunt, such as insects, clouds, or plants.
Lesson Objective
The most significant objective of the picture-themed scavenger hunt is to test the students' understanding of the previous science classwork and introduce a fun and real-time activity to build on their knowledge.
Other objectives of a science-themed picture scavenger hunt include:
- Identifying and naming different elements of the theme.
- Exercising problem-solving skills by explaining the connection or difference between different items in the scavenger hunt.
- Demonstrating teamwork by working with their peers to solve the hunt.
- Recalling their science classwork and how this knowledge applies to their scavenger hunt.
- Relating the science-themed picture and lessons to real life.
- Stating the significance of the science-themed picture scavenger hunt after completing the lesson.
Lesson Prerequisites
Your science-themed picture scavenger hunt can be as simple or elaborate as you see fit. Before beginning the lesson, ensure you plan and consider the following:
Choose an appropriate location for your science-themed scavenger hunt. Excellent examples include a park or field, or even a class with one-to-one computers for internet access if you have limitations.
If you choose a park, field, or other out-of-class location, ensure you lay some ground rules and receive the appropriate clearance from your administration.
Groups & Safety
Science scavenger hunts are best when students are divided into groups. Don't forget to explain the scavenger hunt rules to the groups, including any safety measures or boundaries for their search area.
If you suspect your students will be noisy during their hunt, ensure other teachers know what they are doing, or make sure you take your class to a different part of campus.
The length of the picture scavenger hunt will depend on how long your list of required items is and the age of your students. Young students may only need five items, whereas high school students may need ten pictures to complete their hunt.
- Scavenger hunt checklist
- Pencil to check items off the list
- Cell phone cameras or school-loaned digital cameras
- Review previous lessons regarding the scavenger hunt theme.
- Explain that today the students will be testing their knowledge in a real-life environment.
- Explain the scavenger hunt rules (time limit, boundaries, review the list) and pass out the checklist and any school-loaned cameras if students are not using cell phones.
- Divide your students into groups and select a team leader.
- The team leader is in charge of watching the time so their groups return within the allotted time frame.
- Send teams out to take their pictures.
- Stand in a central location to oversee each group's progress and answer any questions or provide aid should a group struggle.
- When groups return to the classroom, they may begin to compile their photos into a presentation depicting how the picture they took aligns with the assigned theme.
- In the following lesson, groups can present their findings and discuss the theme with classmates.
You may evaluate groups' understanding of the science theme as they present their photos.
Ensure students can:
- Identify and name different elements of the theme.
- Recall their science classwork and how this knowledge applied to their scavenger hunt.
Evaluate whether your students displayed the following during their hunt and presentation:
- Exercised problem-solving skills by explaining the connection or difference between different items in the scavenger hunt.
- Demonstrated teamwork by working with their peers to solve the hunt.
- Related the science-themed picture and lessons to real life.
- Stated or realized the significance of the science-themed picture scavenger hunt.
Possible Scavenger Hunt Themes
The following are possible themes you may choose from when seeking ideas for this lesson; ensure your science theme matches the boundary area you provided your students. You may even wish to do your scavenger hunt before your students complete the lesson to ensure they can find all items on their list.
- Bee
- Worm
- Butterfly
- Ant
- Caterpillar
- Spider
- Ladybug
- Beetle
- Grasshopper
- Snail
- Clover
- Flower
- Acorn
- Grass
- Bush
- Twig
- Pine cone
- Green leaf
- Mushroom
- Berries
- Squirrel or chipmunk
- Nest
- Animal tracks
- Bird
- Anthill
- Moss
- Feather
- Spiderweb
- Frog
- Duck
- Iron
- Gold
- Aluminum
- Carbon
- Chlorine
- Oxygen
- Tin
- Mercury
- Sodium
- Nickel
Written by Steve Ndar
Education World Contributor
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