Arts & Humanities Grades
Brief description Students create a graphic organizer to illustrate the steps elected representatives must take to make a new law. Included: Student work sheet and role-play ideas.Objectives Students will
Keywords legislation, Congress, vote, Representative, Senator, law, Washington, D.C., government, civics, election, graphic organizer, citizen, citizenship
Lesson plan In the upcoming election, voters around the United States will elect the person(s) who will represent their districts in the U.S. Congress in Washington, D.C. Voters in each district will elect their U.S. Representative, who will serve in the House of Representatives; voters in about one third of the United States will elect a senator to serve in the U.S. Senate. The representatives and senators who are elected will be responsible for enacting new laws for all the people in the land.In this lesson, students will learn about what representatives and senators do; they will also learn how the U.S. Congress creates and passes new laws. Online resources are provided to supplement students texts. Students will create a graphic organizer (work sheet provided, or they can use software such as Inspiration to create their own graphic organizer) to show the 9-step process from the time a bill is proposed to the day the President signs a bill into law. You might begin the lesson by sharing a resource from Scholastic. What Does Congress Do? provides a simple overview of the role elected representatives play in creating new laws for the country. Then help students dig a little deeper into the lawmaking process by providing additional resources. Your students social studies texts should have some good grade-level resources. Supplement those resources with one or more of the online Bill-to-Law Resources listed below. If you do not have access to a computer, select one or more of the resources below to print and share with students. Following are a few ways in which you can share those online resources:
Note: You might also use supplemental reading books as resources for completing this activity; the Education World article Elections and our government -- in words a third grader can understand! tells about one excellent resource. Provide each student with a copy of the How laws are made work sheet. The work sheet provides a graphic organizer for students to use as they boil down the bill-to-law process to its 9 steps. Students should explain each step in their own words. The amount of information students provide, and the complexity of it, will depend on the students grade level. If your students have access to computers, they might use graphic software such as Inspiration or Kidspiration to build their own graphic organizers to display the steps in the bill-to-law process. Extension activities
Assessment Students will use their graphic organizers to write a paragraph briefly explaining the bill-to-law process. Lesson Plan SourceEducation World Submitted By Gary Hopkins See more election lesson plans from the Education World archive.
Links last updated 2/20/2016