Math Bingo provides math-facts practice for all students.
Bingo, game, math, facts, equation, algebra, measure
Students use the Math Bingo game cards provided to play a game very much like regular Bingo game. The game can be adapted for use at almost every level. Following are some tips for playing Math Bingo at various levels.
Primary Grades:
For students who are just learning basic addition and subtraction facts: Invite students to cut out the Math Bingo game cards and markers. Have them write any five different numbers from 1 to 10 to in the five squares in the B column of the work sheet. Then have them do the same thing in the I, N, G, and O columns. The N column requires only four numbers because of the free space in the center of the card. Prepare 50 slips of paper with simple math problems written on them. 3-inch by 5-inch index cards, cut in half, work well.For each lettered column, the answers to the problems must be a different number from 1 to 10. For example, for G column, you might create these ten problems:
Put the papers into a large jar or hat, and draw one at a time. Call out the letter and the math problem, such as G: 9 - 2 = ?. Students solve the problem and, if they've written the answer anywhere in the G column on their Bingo game cards, they cover that number. When a student covers five squares in a row, she or he calls out Bingo! To verify the winning card, ask the student to call out each covered number and to match that number to one of the math problems called. Allow the winner to call the next game.
Upper Elementary Grades: Follow the same general rules, except have students write random numbers in each column, following these guidelines:
Prepare 75 slips of paper with a math problem on each paper. The answers to the problems should be numbers from 1 to 75 -- one problem for each number. The problems can involve practice in single or multiple operations. The following are examples of the kinds of problems you might create:
Middle School and High School Students: Follow the same general rules, but make the mathematical problems more difficult. You might include word problems, problems that involve conversion formulas, and other mathematical challenges.
Students follow directions and correctly mark appropriate numbers on their cards.
Education World
Gary Hopkins
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