Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 |
Brief Description
How many tosses of the Frisbee does it take to "hit" a home run? In addition to being great exercise, Frisbee Baseball offers valuable lessons in math and physics!Objectives
Students willKeywords
Frisbee, hula hoop, baseball, average, measure, distance, game, fitness, sportsmanshipLesson Plan
Many sports can be adapted for use with Frisbees! There's Frisbee golf and Frisbee football, so why not Frisbee Baseball? To set up the game, form a baseball diamond by spacing four large hula hoops 50 feet apart as you would space four bases for the game of baseball. (If your students are in the upper elementary grades or older, see Game Tips below for additional suggestions.) If you have space, it would be ideal to set up a different Frisbee baseball diamond for every four students.Arrange students into groups of four, and give every student a Frisbee. Players start at "home plate." Each player takes a turn tossing a Frisbee to "first base." The goal is to toss the Frisbee so it comes in contact with, or falls inside of, the hoop. Players take turns until everyone on the team has reached first base. A scorekeeper on each team records how many tosses it takes each player to reach first base. Next, the players take turns trying to reach second base, then third base, and finally home plate. The scorekeepers keep track of the number of tosses each player makes as he or she moves around the bases. The player who needs the fewest tosses to reach home plate is the home run leader.
Game Tips:
Following are a few possible adaptations:
Students correctly figure their averages over several "at bats."
Lesson Plan Source
Education World
Submitted By
Gary Hopkins
National Standards
MATHEMATICS: Number and Operations
Return to the Fitness Fun lesson plan page.
See the Education World theme page Resources, Lessons, and Activities for Physical Education for more resources.
MATHEMATICS: Measurement
NM-NUM.PK-2.1 Understand Numbers, Ways of Representing Numbers, Relationships Among Numbers, and Number Systems
NM-NUM.3-5.1 Understand Numbers, Ways of Representing Numbers, Relationships Among Numbers, and Number Systems
NM-NUM.6-8.1 Understand Numbers, Ways of Representing Numbers, Relationships Among Numbers, and Number Systems
NM-NUM.9-12.1 Understand Numbers, Ways of Representing Numbers, Relationships Among Numbers, and Number Systems
MATHEMATICS: Connections
NM-MEA.PK-2.2 Apply Appropriate Techniques, Tools, and Formulas to Determine Measurements
NM-MEA.3-5.2 Apply Appropriate Techniques, Tools, and Formulas to Determine Measurements
NM-MEA.6-8.2 Apply Appropriate Techniques, Tools, and Formulas to Determine Measurements
NM-MEA.9-12.2 Apply Appropriate Techniques, Tools, and Formulas to Determine Measurements
NPH.K-12.6 Respect for Others
NS.K-4.2 Physical Science
NS.5-8.2 Physical Science
NS.9-12.2 Physical Science
Last updated 04/30/2008