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Review Game



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  • K-2
  • 3-5
  • 6-8
  • 9-12

Brief Description

With minimum preparation, this Q & A review game can be adapted to any subject and used at any time!



  • play a game to review content or reinforce skills.


game, review

Materials Needed

  • index cards
  • paper
  • pencils

Lesson Plan

This Q & A review game can be used to review material before a test, or it can be used to reinforce skills students already have. The game requires minimum preparation. As an example of the game, we will provide below a lesson that might be used in third grade and up to reinforce students' skills in addition with carrying (renaming). In this case, once the game cards have been created, they can be used over and over. Additional sets of cards can be created to review additional content or to reinforce almost any skill. You might create a set of cards to involve students in reviewing state capitals. Create another to reinforce vocabulary/synonym skills. Another set might check students' knowledge of the presidents. ... The possibilities are endless!

Here is the basic idea applied to the addition with carrying (renaming) skill:

  • Count out index cards, one card for each student. Prepare the cards ahead of time. Write on the first card an addition problem in which students have to carry (rename). For example:
    24 + 68 =
    That is all that appears on the first card.
  • Next, take the second card and write the solution to the above problem (92) on the front of the card. Then turn over the card and write a new problem (for example, 49 + 56=) on the reverse side.
  • On the third card, write the solution to the math problem on the previous card (105) on one side and a new problem on the other. ...
  • When you get to the final card, you should write the sum of the addition problem on the previous card, and leave the back of the card blank.
    Important: The important thing to remember is that no solution/sum can appear more than once. Every problem must have a different solution.

When the set of cards is prepared, you are ready to play. Mix up the cards and distribute one to each student, along with a sheet of paper. Most students will get a card with a math problem on one side and an answer on the other, but the game starts with the player who has a math problem on one side and nothing on the back. That student calls out the addition problem on the card (for example, 24 + 68 =). The other students must perform the addition problem on paper. One of those students will have the correct answer on his or her card. That student identifies herself or himself and then turns over the card and reads the next problem (49 + 56 =). The students perform the math, and the student who has the answer card to the second problem (105) gets to turn over his or her card and pose the next math problem.

The game continues until the turn of the student who has the final answer card and no new problem on the reverse side of the card.

Game Notes:

  • Prepare one or several sets of cards in advance for substitutes to use or for you to use during a few spare moments at the end of the day. The same game can be played over and over!
  • If you create one card per student, then students know that once they have a card with an answer on it, they can sit back and relax because they won't be participating in the game again. You could get around this opportunity for non-participation by creating enough cards so every student would get two or more. That way, students stay actively engaged even after they have given an answer.
  • Consider all the ways in which this game could be adapted: You could prepare a set of cards that matches vocabulary words with their meanings or with a synonym. You could prepare a set of cards that challenges students to use a world map to match place names with their longitude/latitude locations. Other sets could match book titles with authors, the names of presidents with facts about those presidents, states with their capitals.



Lesson Plan Source

Education World

Submitted By

Gary Hopkins

National Standards

Standards vary depending on the content the teacher chooses to review using this game.

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