Brief Description
Students use photo images from space to create a large map of Earth! They then find where they live and label some other places they know.
Students willKeywords
map, world, atlas, photography, space, astronaut, Earth, longitude, latitude, landform, oceans, features
Lesson Plan
Explain to students that they are going to use online resources to create a large map of Earth as seen from space. Use a projector connected to the Internet to share with students the Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth, or ask students to explore the site on their own in the computer lab. Tell students they can click on a section of a world map to see an image of that area as seen from space; they can zoom in or out on the image for different perspectives.Arrange students into groups of four. Explain that each student will be responsible for printing one-quarter of the map (12 of the 48 sections) and attaching those 12 sections to a large sheet of kraft paper. Each student then should use library or Internet atlases/resources to identify and label at least ten specific places, landforms, or water features on the map.
Younger students can identify continents, countries, and major bodies of water. Older students can identify more detailed locations (for example, cities, the equator or other marks of longitude or latitude, or small bodies of water).
Next, have each student in a group exchange his or her map with another member of the group; each student should label five more places or features on the piece of the map he or she receives. Then ask the four students in each group to join their sections to create a large world map.
Finally, have two groups of students compare their maps. What different places or features did members of each group identify? Were all the places correctly identified?
More "Earth from Space" Photo Images
Earth from Space: Astronaut Views of the Home Planet
Click on the map to see photographs of Earth from the space shuttle.
Insert a street name and ZIP Code to see a view of a specific neighborhood from a space satellite.
Students will write a paragraph explaining what they learned about Earth by studying images from space.Lesson Plan Source
Education WorldSubmitted By
Gary Hopkins
National Standards
FINE ARTS: Visual Arts