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This Is My Life

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  • Arts & Humanities
    Language Arts
  • Health
  • Business Education


  • K-2
  • 3-5
  • 6-8
  • 9-12

Brief Description

Students create a time line of their lives from the perspective of 50 years in the future.


Students will

  • explore a time line of American women,
  • explore their own dreams and goals,
  • create a time line of their lives from the perspective of 50 years in the future.


women's history, United States, current events, trivia, biography, women, game

Materials Needed

  • computer with Internet access (optional)
  • Groundbreaking Women; if students are not able to view this website on their own computers, the teacher might use a projector to project the pages on a screen, print out selected time line pages to use as a student handout, create overhead transparencies of selected pages, or share other time line teaching materials
  • print or online biographies of a famous American woman; some online resources include those found at National Women's Hall of Fame, Honor Roll of Notable Women, or The First Ladies Gallery
  • large sheets of drawing paper
  • crayons or markers, pens

Lesson Plan

  • Explore with older students the Groundbreaking Women time line from Encyclopedia Britannica or other time line resources. Discuss the purpose of time lines: to highlight significant events in chronological order.
  • With younger students or students without Internet access, read aloud a biography of a remarkable American woman and create on the chalkboard a time line of that woman's life. (See biography resources in the Materials section above.)
  • Invite students to create a time line of their own lives and to extend that time line 50 years into the future. Explain that the time line should depict their lives as they want them to be.
  • Encourage students to explore their talents, goals, and dreams before creating the time line. They might visit such Web sites as Choosing a College Major: How to Chart Your Ideal Path, The Key to Choosing the Right Career, Deciding Your Goals, and so on, before creating their time lines.
  • Encourage students to use their own time lines to develop plans for reaching future goals.


not applicable

Lesson Plan Source

Education World

Submitted By

Linda Starr

Return to the Women's History lesson plan page.


Last updated 2/17/2017